Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 12
n 2018, ANC chose Cyril Furthermore, the ANC has failed to accept
Ramaphosa as President because that the agenda of the white business
they believed that white capital community is to remove ANC and black
Iliked him and thus he would rule by collapsing the economy, destroying
attract western investment into the country. parastatals, sabotaging the rand and ensuring
However, things did not quite go according that South Africa fails totally under ANC
to that plan. rule, to make way for white rule.
Instead, what we saw was Cyril’s It is for this reason that no matter what kind
benefactors: the Oppenheimers (Anglo), of an alliance the ANC creates, white capital
Koos Bekker (Naspers), and Rupert’s will continue its austerity measures on South
divesting from South Africa, externalizing Africa until the ANC has lost sufficient
over R2 trillion, deindustrializing the power for the DA and their black surrogates
country, sabotaging the rand and dropping to take control of South Africa.
South Africa’s GDP growth to its lowest
level in democratic history, to below 1% in According to Rob Hersov in his last Biznews
2023. interview with Alec Hogg, ANC should
have gotten 33% of the vote in this election,
All this happened on the backdrop of black- and he forecasts that they should be totally
controlled economies like Ethiopia, growing destroyed by 2029, to make way for the DA
at over 7% year-on-year, Ethiopian Airways and its partners to form a coalition that will
became Africa’s biggest airline with a see Musi Maimane as the token President.
revenue of over US$6.1 billion, while SAA
was sabotaged by whites, illustrating clearly The problem with our black leaders is that
that black controlled African economies are they live in Ivory Towers where they do not
more viable. pay attention or think tank with other black
thinkers, to scenario plan and create a long-
Now, the ANC has opted, once again, for a term plan for the black agenda, as the whites
coalition with the DA, in the hope that this are doing.
would bring investment into the country.
They have failed to realize that the DA-run Because if they did, they would pay more
Western Cape has the highest murder rate attention to the likes of Rob Hersov, who is
and the worst slums in Africa, precisely far from being a CLOWN, but, in fact, he is
because the same Boer government [of a genius who is part of the white global elite
second-class Dutch Frenchmen who are not that is strategizing the long-term vision for
even accepted by fellow Europeans] has a white controlled South Africa, and Rob
failed to attract investment from the west is the megaphone that is psychologically
for their own province from which black conditioning minds to acquiesce to the plan.
executives mass migrate.
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