Page 16 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 16
President Mobutu Sese Seko and installed for training death squad commandoes and
Laurent-Désiré Kabila as president. Since dictators.” [1]
1996, well in excess of 12 million Congolese
have died violent deaths and the entire Kagame`s proxy militias kill everyone
population of Eastern Congo has been who will not collaborate with them.
terrorized, traumatized and dislocated. What Kagame`s proxy militias do to the
women, men and children of uncooperative
“Now 28 years later, the destabilization of communities is to terrify them using the most
the Congo — the mass murder and plunder unimaginably sadistic means.
facilitated by global supply chains and rogue
capitalism — continues.”[1] This is called terrorism. Kagame`s proxy
militias are terrorists.
On Tuesday night, 4 June 2024, the bodies
of at least 20 civilians, mostly women, People are burned with plastic, people are
were discovered in Luholu River near Beni, hacked with machetes and torched alive,
Lubero Territory, North Kivu. It is obvious children are suffocated in plastic sacks, the
from the state of the women`s clothing that same sacks used for transporting coltan.
they were raped. There are reports of the trade in children,
abducted by Kagame`s proxy militias and
“The women were tortured, their arms tied taken to Kigali to be sold on the international
behind their backs at the elbows — a torture market for their organs, transported in plastic
technique called Akandoya – and thrown sacks, coltan sacks.
in the Luholu River . The bodies were also
mutilated. Akandoya is a torture technique The media can call these terrorists whatever
first used by Museveni’s National Resistance the hell they like. A rose by any other name
Army during the Luwero Triangle terror in would smell as sweet. These terrorists are
Uganda (1980-1985), adopted by Museveni’s called M23 and ADF today. Yesterday they
protégé and Director of Military Intelligence were called CNDP and tomorrow they will be
Paul Kagame, routinely used by Kagame’s called AFC.
RPA during the Rwandan Civil War (1990-
1994), and it is a signature reminder of the There are no ambulances for the people in
unrelenting atrocities committed by the eastern Congo because there are virtually
Rwandan and Ugandan militias in Congo. no paved roads. The wounded, dying and
Many of these Rwandan and Ugandan the dead are transported on mud roads
soldiers have been ‘trained’ by U.S. military by motorbike on stretchers made of tree
experts, training in the euphemistically branches. Dead people are wrapped in
named ‘counter-insurgency’ guerrilla warfare whatever plastic sheeting is available. If none
tactics perfected by the legendary U.S. is available they are given respect by being
military School of the Americas known covered in foliage, wrapped in twine and then
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