Page 21 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 21
then the hunter, with the permission of the not only come back to you as evil but also
animal, would kill the animal and take the delay your process to spiritual wholeness.
body home. I do not have in-depth access
to this knowledge but it is a pointer to what Let love lead
humanity has lost in his pursuit of mindless But what does it all mean? It means
pleasures and also a pointer to what must be you don’t have to believe in or practice
restored as singularity with all and which we Christianity or any other form of religion,
can call the next human evolution and not the but you can believe in and also practice the
foolishness called the merger between man principles and laws of goodness through
and AI. oneness with the Divine. Within every one
of us is the ability to be good and also the
We are coming to the age in which humans ability to be evil, but the difference is, which
will be one again with all created things and side of the divide we are giving our mental
all created things, including man, will be and physical energy to. It is the tree that you
one with the Eternal Creator of all things. constantly nourish that will grow and its
So the lion will not have to eat the lamb, fruit that you will eat. It’s a simple Universal
nor the serpent bite the foot of the baby, principle that no one can escape.
nor will there be death or destruction in
God’s holy New Earth. Yes, the globalists There are seasons in our personal lives
are planning a New World Order based on where it seems that everything is crumbling
falsehood, propaganda, and the slavery of and it would make sense to join those who
humankind through artificial intelligence are destroying the earth and humanity, for
and economic subjugation, but this is just a money. But this is also when we must open
distraction. The real human evolution that our hearts to the leading of love. To be lead
is coming is the New Earth Order in which by love simply means “don’t do to others
all things will come back alive and become what you don’t want others do to you”.
one with Eternal Source. We are all spirits Our world already has enough evil and
having human experiences on a journey to wickedness at work and a break from the
wholeness, and death is not an end to this normal, through the embrace and the life of
process, it is just a changing bay for the love, will heal this world.
next level. Earth is one massive recycling
living machine which, by universal laws Be kind to your neighbor both in words and
and principles, will filter out evil and bring in actions. Honor, respect and love everyone
to the fore, good. So, whatever any man to the degree that you are given grace from
does, either good or evil will determine how within and opportunity from without. Let
many cycles they will have to go through to love lead.
complete their journey of wholeness. Let no
man deceive you, if you plant evil as seeds,
you will definitely reap the fruit of evil which
ISSUE 29 | JULY 2024 21