Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 18
By Samuel Phillips, Nairobi Kenya.
he truth is that, for there to be fake, there must be original. For AI-
generated images, there must be original images and digital paintings
Tthat were used to generate such images. For there to be false prophets,
there also must be original prophets. Which means that for there to be artificial
intelligence there must definitely be the original intelligence from which it takes it
cue. And anyone may want to give indications or opinions about what the original
intelligence is, but my take will be, it is the Eternal Spirit of the Creator who is
the source from whom all things exist and are sustained. The Source is the central
intelligence or consciousness from which all ideas, innovation come and go back
to, just like you have a central server from which everything AI is powered and
disseminated using prompts and to which feedback and insights return.
The next evolution is not the merger of humans and machines, called the singularity,
which the world is pushing for, that’s a distraction from the real thing. The next
evolution is the return and merger of humanity back to the Source. This has always
been the plan of the ages, which is also why you see more people trying to get
connected to nature thinking that nature is the source. No. Nature is not the source,
nature, which includes humanity, is a physical embodiment of the Source. So, the
real singularity is not the merger of humanity with machines but the merging of all
crested things back to the Source. This is the purpose of the Kamitic tree of life, even
as it is the same with the Biblical tree of life. The tree of life is a system of knowing
the Source and knowing how to return to the Source.
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