Page 20 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 20
you know what will be allowed to happen? doing surgical engineering of their bodies to
The merging or the possession of humans by look like animals? That’s the bestiality and
fallen angels or dismembered spirits. This the spirit of the beast at work. Or what do
is the Biblical 666 of the beast in which a you think transgenderism, homosexuality and
person’s spirit, soul and body are taken over other misbehaviors really mean? They are all
by the spirit of the beast. Beastiality among anti-humanity and are controlled by the spirit
humans will come to its peak. But how will of the beast. So 666 is not some number that
this happen? By the surrendering of mind by will be stamped on the forehead of people,
relinquishing the ability to connect to true it’s about embracing the mind of the beast
spirituality. and the forsaking of true spirituality.
I know some do not believe in the Christian There are various spiritual realms
Bible, and sincerely it’s not my job to debate hidden from human eyes just as there are
what anyone should believe or not believe. uncountable spiritual beings and realities
Also, some say the Christian Bible is a tool that are also hidden from humans. The good
that was used by Europeans to enslave and spiritual beings are helpers of mankind
colonize Africans and that Christianity and on their journeys to wholeness and we
the Bible were brought by Europeans. If sense their help through ideas, thoughts,
the latter was true, how do you explain the unexplainable events and circumstances in
Ethiopian Bible which was in existence our lives etc. But there is also the presence
thousands of years before the white man of demonic or destructive forces that are
knew about Africa? Anyway, this is not also hidden from human eyes but the effects
where I am going. But I want to show you of their duties are duly felt in our world and
something in the Bible that I want to use to journeys. Their task is to test the goodness in
make a point about singularity, why it will us. And though they appear as evil, in reality,
fail and also point your mind to the age of the they are the workers of the Eternal sent to
beast and what it means. test goodness in our hearts as we journey
through earth. And this is seen in the Biblical
Daniel 2:43 says “As you saw iron mixed story of Job.
with ceramic clay, they will mingle with the In a video I watched sometime back, Credo
seed of men; but they will not adhere to one Mutua, a Zulu sage or shaman spoke of
another, just as iron does not mix with clay” the spirituality of the African people. He
mentioned briefly how in the ancient African
Question. If humanity is refereed to as “seed spiritual knowledge system, when a hunter
of men” who then is “they”? These are spirits went on a hunt for animals in the forest, he
of dismembered beings looking for human wouldn’t hunt with his bow or gun, but with
bodies to occupy. It is about the spirit of his mind. He would speak to the animal
the beast merging with the bodies of men. that he wanted using his mind, the animal
Are you then surprised that more people are would come to him and submit itself and
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