Page 26 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 26
Americans who supported this move, the line precious lives of African Americans. When
between reality and assumption was utterly such inhumane systems succeed, they make
erased. So the invasion and terrorization of even black people think they are inferior. A
these countries by the US remains justified. textbook example of symbolic violence is
As Fromm rightly remarks, “There is hardly also found in Patriarchal social structures
a case of an aggressive war that could not be than use religious, economic and social
couched in terms of defense. The question structures in making women believe they are
of who claimed defense rightly is usually inferior. In its essence, feminism is fighting
decided by the victors.” As seen in the above with such symbolic violence.
case and many more, no country wages
wars to attack, but only with the pretense Exploring all the forms of violence within
of defense. Then truth is dictated by the a single article is not practical in space and
victorious! inadvisable because each need time for
reflection. In the next article, we will explore
We are seeing the same narrative when other forms of violence that have even more
the US President Donald Trump made the catastrophic outcomes. Simply observing
utterly ignorant remark regarding the Grand how each of the aforementioned forms of
Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). He violence manifests in ourselves, in our family
falsely or ignorantly claimed that GERD and in our society helps us comprehend the
blocks the water from flowing to Egypt, crisis around us. If we truly desire to solve
making it appear as if their survival is at risk. the violence we face nationally and globally,
This is the age old diabolical plot used to we first need to direct our focus on the root
play the victim card. Thus, I think we should cause rather than the symptoms. I personally
just acknowledge it rather than react to it, so argue that the ‘ethnic’ problems in Ethiopia
I’ll move on to the other form of violence. and the ‘Trump-ian’ problems of the world
Symbolic Violence: This is the sort of are symptoms of a disease. So while we must
violence used by the powerful to terrorize continue to heal the symptoms, we should
and instill fear on members of the oppressed. be careful not to lose track of the underlying
it was the Pierre Bourdieu who clearly disease.
showed this violence. Bourdieu explains
that symbolic violence works gradually
and inconspicuously through the ‘master’
narrative until it is accepted as natural. For
instance, consider Jim Crow’s segregation
in American ‘whites only’ signs in schools,
restaurants, and almost every social service.
This is the kind of fear James Baldwin
describes in ‘The Fire Next Time’. Currently, Abel Merawi is from Addis Ababa. He is an English literature
this has become police brutality on the teacher, freelance writer/reporter for and an Amharic-
English translator and editor. You can reach him via: abelmerawi4@
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