Page 31 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 31

Art & Culture

               The gap that appears to have been caused by the contra-       will still be a lack of men due to

               dictory scriptures in one divided Bible lends credence        the following factors: mortality, the
               to the above sentiment. In the old testament, men were        continent is steadily losing its male
               able to marry more wives than Africans could in the past,     population, some guys are turning to

               and after realizing the old testament’s first books were      homosexuality and the gap is widen-
               probably ineffective, they turned to the New Testament to     ing, and some men are now heavily
               further confuse us with ideas that would suit their agenda.   involved in drug usage. Considering
               After extensive brainwashing, the Dutch-English Marriage      that polygamy is simply frowned
               Act eventually made its way to Africa. Consequently, the      upon in communities devoid of

               “white wedding” originated with the first couple to do so,    reason, it follows that polygamy is
               Brittany and Louis XVII in 1499. Additionally, the phrase     both lawful and a custom of marriage
               “white wedding” refers to the white gown that the bride       in Africa and should not be given

               wears in a typical Western marriage.                          derogatory names to down play it.

               View of polygamy in modern African societies.                 I at some point ask a brother “ why
               In several African societies, having multiple wives is more   when it comes to marriage, you
               than death sentence. The argument is that, according to       prefer white weddings and consider

               Christian doctrine and the Bible, a man should only have      it blessed and still mix it with African
               one wife. As if  is not enough, it should be mentioned that   practices of lobola payment whilst
               some sects within the same religion, “Christianity,” par-     the whites only buy a ring and wed?”

               ticularly those associated with white clothing, also have     he kept quite, I hold his shoulder and
               more than five wives. For instance, in Zimbabwe, mem-         said “ Brother if you choose white
               bers of the Johanne Marange Apostolic Church have more        wedding buy rings and forget cows”
               than ten wives, which is against Christian teachings and

               In addition, women outnumber men by a wide margin
               when considering statistics or numbers of women world-

               wide and particularly in Africa. Then the questions are:
               (a)     Did God made a mistake by giving such gender im-
               balances?, because the ratios that are there would see one
               men marrying more than five wives without them “ Men”
               fighting                                                         Zinyanga Learnmore is a

               (b)     Are there women who were just created with a             Zimbabwean Freelance Journalist
                                                                                and educationist. He is interested in
               curse and a mandate that they should just wander in the          highlighting stories around African
               world without being married or intimately involved till          Politics and Arts and Culture.


               There will be no balances at all in this world, and there

                                                                                           ISSUE 29 | JULY  2024  31
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