Page 30 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 30

Art & Culture

                desired without encountering any issues, and    in-laws who bears sons, even though this

                the wives may also love each other without      was not certain, and that the first wife could
                noticeable challenges.                          assist with the children’s upbringing without
                                                                feeling envious and also regard the children

                A wife may occasionally ask her husband         as her own, this could bring the family hap-
                to marry another wife or wives; there are       piness and joy. Polygamy was both highly
                a number of reasons for this, one of which      promoted and lawful. Additionally, it was a
                was the possibility of extensive field work. It   symbol of man’s ability to exercise respon-
                should be mentioned that wealth was also de-    sibility, and our traditional African religion

                termined by what was in granaries ( matura),    could not criticize that; instead, it praised
                so she could not match the field tasks given    and wished for the families and the ancestral
                that she could have few children. Another       union to be blessed by the all-powerful Nya-

                reason was that, in certain cases, menopause    tene ( God).
                or other underlying disorders prevented a
                wife from becoming pregnant. In light of the    The emergency of foreign religion and
                alleged circumstances, a wife might move on     western marriage practices in Africa
                and ask a different woman on behalf of the

                husband  to be her husband’s wife.              The so-called white wedding is inextricably
                Furthermore, it was socially unacceptable to    linked to “Christian doctrine.” Westerners in-
                have a girl child alone without a male child.   troduced their “Christianity” after successful-

                There have been cases where women who           ly colonizing Africa in various ways, which
                have only girls were not respected or valued    denigrates our own social and religious prac-
                in their communities, which was embar-          tices as well as traditional African marriage
                rassing for the women. Some men who are         customs, particularly polygamy, and elevates
                callous or inconsiderate have even gone so      their unions as holy and divinely blessed.

                far as to divorce their wives and bring the     They were successful in demonizing the
                divorced to her relatives with a token, known   established, well-organized marriage sys-
                as a gupuro, signifying the end of the mar-     tem that Africans considered as beneficial

                riage.                                          through the newly converted Africans. They
                                                                further classify polygamy as fornication and
                As per African culture, a boy child will        adultery.
                enlarge or expand the clan, and the surname
                and totem will survive to the next genera-      In my view, the purpose of this action was

                tion. Having said that, in accordance with the   to prevent Africans from procreating and
                above notion, after seeing the predicament,     from having complete access to and control
                the husband could communicate with the          over their abundant resources. Additionally,

                wife or inform her that he wants another wife   they feared that as Africans proliferated, they
                who could bear him sons. Given that the wife    would also be able to fiercely oppose their
                may consent and have two or more sister-        colonial dominance throughout the continent.

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