Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 35


          jets that poison the atmosphere    the more we nourish nature, is     who would rather invest

          with chemtrails, and then with     the ask. Can the game not be       billions of dollars into
          shameless bold faces tell others   about who can monopolise the       GMOs that kill the soil and
          not to use their fossil fuels,     most resources, in return for      insect biodiversity rather

          citing climate change. The         paying the most taxes, taxes       than invest in regenerative
          ecosystem is in turmoil and        that go to maintain standing       organic plants and seeds that
          the biodiversity of indigenous     armies and war capabilities?       help the environment. We
          places is taking massive hits      Defence is a wasteful need for     need to walk back from this
          from their recklessness and the    every country and province,        path of horrific wickedness

          recklessness of their business     a need that perpetuates our        that we have allowed in our
          friends and partners. What         present economics that is          world and take responsibility
          gives them the right to tell       founded on a citizen-country-      for making the change that

          someone else to do what they       currency framework instead         we all need.
          are not even prepared to do?       of better economics founded        We need a revolution of
          The world system is in a very      on the human-Earth-Love            the mind and a revolution
          volatile place waiting for         framework. Can all countries       of the world system that
          someone to push the button and     switch to a uniform Earth-         sees people just as numbers

          everything the way we know it      Life view of economics, can        in a database. A database
          will go up in smoke.               all countries give up weapons      from where some possessed
                                             simultaneously, can people of      humans sit and decide who

          But as Gaurav Misra                all countries agree that Earth     should live or die, which
          commented on our LinkedIn          belongs to all life equally, can   country to create chaos
          post:                              all countries agree the purpose    in, and which country to
           “It is perhaps time to move       was to accommodate life and        call peaceful. The world
          out of the framework of            not exclude life?”                 can no longer be run like a

          ‘economics’ that makes us                                             supermarket where all the
          account for life and nature in     Gurav Misra’s comment puts         price tags cannot be changed
          ‘capital’ and ‘asset’ terms. It is   a long pin in the balloon of     nor can we make human

          perhaps time to evolve a new       the pride of our hearts and        lives worth less than lab rats
          framework within which we          the futility that we so love to    for medical experiments.
          see the relationship between       embrace even though we know        It’s time to either bend
          Nature, work, and our needs.       it’s the path of destruction. We   the rules or remove them
          Whether humans can prefer          have too many people speaking      altogether.

          minimalism with the same           for Earth even without one
          enthusiasm as they prefer          iota of love for her. We have      We must set ourselves free
          maximalism, is the question        more people who would rather       from the rule books that

          before us, is the task at hand.    kill a whole race of people        were written by those who
          Whether humans can prefer a        but save one dog from danger.      think they own the world.
          way of life that nourishes itself   We have too many people

                                                                                           ISSUE  29 | JULY  2024  35
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