Page 40 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 40
settlers. informing them of our legitimate concerns on
how U.S. sanctions were violating human rights.
In response to the dire situation, the Zimbabwe On May 25, 2021, the U.S. Congress sub-
Anti-Sanctions Movement (ZASM) was formed committee on health, human rights, and
as ZUAUWS (Zimbabweans Unite Against U.S. organization, led by Karen Bass, wrote an email
War Sanctions) and mobilized to advocate for the to POLAD in Zimbabwe, informing them that
lifting of these illegal coercive economic they would be undertaking a human rights impact
measures. Our efforts involved educating all assessment of U.S. sanctions on Zimbabwe.
Zimbabweans, including government officials, on
these sanctions; engaging international bodies Of interest, was the fact that the subcommittee
and other human rights organizations on the did not just end with undertaking this assessment
issue; mobilizing and organizing Zimbabweans to in Zimbabwe, but they also extended it to all
fight sanctions; lobbying regional institutions like African countries under U.S. sanctions. This was
SADC and the South African government to the first time in history that the U.S. government
champion the fight against these illegal sanctions. ever undertook an assessment of their own
sanctions since the advent of executive order
Eventually, our efforts got the attention of US sanctions to advance their political aims. It was
lawmakers and members of the U.S. security clear from this response, that the U.S.
system, who approached us to understand our government had taken serious note of our
grievances. We presented arguments and concerns and were trying to remedy those
evidence showing the magnitude by which U.S. concerns, retrospectively.
sanctions contravened and violated international
law, human rights principles, and put to shame That impact assessment would go on to prove
the rules-based system that had been created by that their executive order sanctions on Zimbabwe
the U.S. government itself. were depriving all Zimbabweans of the
enjoyment of their human rights, healthcare, and
In particular, we raised the grievance that in the development.
20 years of sanctions on Zimbabwe, the U.S.
government had failed to undertake human rights From this assessment, the subcommittee wrote a
impact assessments (HRIA) of their unilateral report to Congress and the White House
coercive measures on innocent civilian, either recommending that the U.S. government remove
when initiating the sanctions or on their yearly the executive order sanctions on Zimbabwe
renewal. As a result, they had failed to assess, because they were persecuting civilians and
monitor, mitigate and remedy the suffering depriving them of their human rights.
caused by their sanctions upon civilians, as UN
guidelines on sanctions implementation It must be remembered at this point, that in 2000,
recommended. while lobbying for sanctions to be imposed on
From this engagement in April 2021, the persons Zimbabwe, Chester Crocker asked U.S.
we engaged, wrote a report to the U.S. Congress congressmen and senators to stomach the pain
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