Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 42


               shortages of qualified medical staff due to brain   government officials - who included the

               drain caused by displacement. Right now          President, his Vice, ministers, his wife, business
               Zimbabwe has the highest cancer death rate in    people, and three companies - meant the
               the world at 144 deaths per 100 000 people       perpetuation of U.S. impunity.

               according to the World Health Organisation.
                                                                Nevertheless, it was clear that the lifting of
               After this extensive advocacy by ZASM and        sanctions, while significant, was only the first
               other organisations, and the thorough assessment   step in addressing the long-term damage inflicted
               by the U.S. government’s own Congress            on our nation. With the sanctions lifted, the U.S.

               subcommittee, it was recommended by U.S.         government has begun an extensive propaganda
               advisors that the sanctions on Zimbabwe be       campaign over the past month of May 2024, to
               lifted. The subcommittee’s findings highlighted   convince the Zimbabwean people that its twenty-

               the severe deprivation and human rights          three years of sanctions were not targeted at the
               violations caused by the sanctions, which led    16 million people. For us, this is a clear attempt
               them to conclude that their continuation was     by the U.S. government to escape culpability for
               unjustifiable. Consequently, on April 4, 2024, the   collectively punishing, persecuting, killing, and
               United States President and government were      underdeveloping the Zimbabwean people for the

               pressured to lift the executive order sanctions on   past 23 years, as they know that the people they
               Zimbabwe.                                        collectively punished, are entitled to reparations
                                                                for their gross human rights violations.

               In the statement made by Joe Biden when
               removing the sanctions, he stated that they were   Our focus now, as ZASM, has shifted to seeking
               removing the executive order sanctions and the   reparations for the suffering endured by the
               Zimbabwe Sanctions Program to “refocus” the      Zimbabwean people. The legal and moral basis
               sanctions “away from the people of Zimbabwe, to   for this pursuit is grounded in international

               target specifically those who violate human      human rights laws, specifically the principle of
               rights.” This statement was exceptionally        the Right to Remedy and Reparations for Gross
               damning for the U.S., as they were openly        Human Rights Violations, as recognized by the

               admitting that the Zimbabwean Sanctions          International Court of Justice. The Zimbabwe
               Program can no longer continue because it was    Anti-Sanctions Movement, in collaboration with
               affecting Zimbabwean citizens and therefore      a coalition of international lawyers, is preparing
               needs to be “refocused.”                         to take legal action to demand reparations.

               This decision was met with widespread relief and   These reparations are essential not only for
               cautious optimism among the Zimbabwean           acknowledging and addressing past injustices but
               populace. However, the fact that the U.S.        also for providing the resources necessary to

               government then went on to impose                rebuild our nation and ensure a better future for
               extrajudicially and extraterritorially the Global   all Zimbabweans. I invite all of you to join us in
               Magnitsky Act sanctions on eight Zimbabwean      our fight for justice and reparations. Stand with

                 |   we tell the true afrikan story
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