Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 46
our developmental agendas and priorities, to some overpriced conferences. It must start
specifically target their needs. with good governance in the countries that
So, in a continent where poverty, the lack make up the AU. We cannot keep giving
of investment in youth, the availability positions of power to those who are not fit to
of foreign and locally funded militias, run those positions nor can we give political
kidnapping gangs, and human trafficking positions as rewards for political support.
empires have become sources of quick cash
for young Africans, we need to make up our As a form of solution to bad governance:
minds quickly about prioritizing their needs some put much emphasis on the importance
before it’s too late. of democratic governance, transparency, and
accountability to ensure that resources are
The continent’s problems are not solely managed equitably and that citizens’ voices
the result of external factors, but rather a are heard. And this is ok. But we all can tell
combination of internal and external factors that democracy alone without the moral and
that can be addressed through our collective political will to do the right thing will simply
action. But to begin to talk about what to do become another institutional machine for the
by way of solution, we must first take a look manipulation of geopolitics and control of
at the various key challenges. the sovereignty of less powerful states. Take
for example, there is a democratically elected
Key Challenges: government in the Democratic Republic of
1. Bad Governance: One cannot Congo, but we all know that much of the
overemphasize the importance of good chaos in that country is caused by foreign
governance. Corruption, nepotism, and powers who use the chaos as a distraction for
mismanagement of resources serve as major stealing natural resources. So, of what use is
obstacles to development. For every nation of a democratic system of government if it does
the world with a working economic system not serve the purpose of the people? Or if
or political system, we must remember it’s used for manipulation of internal policies
that it does not work because the sun that which subject the people to the horrors of
rises and sets on them is different from the foreign puppeteers? I would choose the
sun that rises and sets on the other nations non-democratic government of Thomas
whose systems are not working well. It takes Sankara which put the people at the center
humans and the creation of purpose-oriented of all national policies rather than support a
systems to make a nation or a continent work. democratic system that does the opposite.
And in as much as it is ok to call Africa “one
nation” of people, Africa is a collection of 2. Environmental Degradation:
fifty-five or fifty-four countries, depending I do not see climate change as something
on who you ask. And what that means is, for standing on its own or an action that is self-
Africa to work through good governance, propelling but as a consequence or reaction
it cannot start from AU’s headquarters and to our wayward use of the environment.
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