Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 48


               have vast areas where no one lives. So, have     sounding statements about Africa’s unity

               you asked yourself where the narrative of        but we can’t stand each other at our local
               overpopulation in Africa is stemming from?       borders. Relationships are not built because
               You could say one of such sources is the         there are no offenses, relationships are

               massive American propaganda machine that         built irrespective of offenses, and based on
               President Vladimir Putin spoke to Tucker         forgiveness, and keeping our collective eye
               Carlson about. But the part you don’t hear       on the goal. Rwanda, for instance, in the
               about this narrative of overpopulation in        name of sourcing natural resources should
               Africa is America’s NSA document called          not be causing violence in the DRC. No, that

               NSSM-200 which gives details of how              should not be.
               natural resource-rich countries in Africa
               are subjected to chaos, terrorism, medical       Rwandese and the Congolese people are one

               genocide using vaccines and contraceptives,      people just as all Africans are one people.
               to make sure their young energetic youths        Based on the principle of Ubuntu, if you
               don’t ever rise one day and question why         need what I have because nature did not put
               and how their natural resources are being        that thing in your own land, why not come
               stolen out of their countries. So, while some    to me as a brother or sister and let’s see how

               of our African youths are running to Europe      we can share or barter what is available on
               and America for greener pastures, and more       both our lands? Why do we resort to violence
               are wishing to do the same, young Chinese,       in Africa, which clearly is a Western and

               American, and European investors or bounty       European style of conquest and grabbing?
               hunters are rushing into the continent and       Why is it so difficult for African countries
               buying up huge tracts of ancestral land.         to create and share among themselves local
               The question is, at the rate at which these      solutions to local problems? Why do we
               ancestral lands in Africa are being bought by    fight ourselves and hinder our collective

               foreigners, in ten years, on what land will the   progress instead of working together to create
               African youths whose immediate future will       solutions that give Africa a real edge in the
               be a population of two in every four youths      global space? We need to grow up.

               in the world, build their development?
                                                                4.           Lack of Empowerment: There
               As a matter of speaking for a solution to        is a massive need to empower individuals,
               the issue of false competition over natural      particularly women and youths to take
               resources: we must consider stronger             ownership of their development and make

               regional cooperation among countries of the      informed decisions about their communities.
               same regions. We must embrace regional           There has not been any other time in the
               cooperation and collaboration to address         history of humanity in which the youth

               common challenges and promote economic           have been so confused about everything
               integration. We must stop this misbehavior       than this modern day. They are confused
               of going to AU summits to make high-             about everything. There’s gender confusion,

                 |   we tell the true afrikan story
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