Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 29
P. 34


              Anyone paying close enough         Order” Has Failed and Will        a civilization of creative
              attention to the global space      Always Fail: The Case of          transformers. All people of all
              will notice that there is a        Africa, Lawrence Freeman          nations share this exclusive
              sweeping movement going on         wrote:                            common feature, which

              among the citizens of nations,     “Only when we understand          universally binds us together
              and one of the aspects of that     why the so-called rules-based     in our quest for a better-shared
              movement is that more people       international order must fail,    future.
              are beginning to ask questions     can we dedicate ourselves with    Those in power in the West,

              about everything and anything.     new vigor to create a superior    their schools, colleges,
              And this is not just the ‘Gen      paradigm that will portend a      institutions, and values, not
              Zs’, but some of the older         better future for humans living   only fail to understand this
              generations that are witnessing    today and our progeny.            fundamental principle of

              the unprecedented degeneration     At the core of the deficiency     human existence but actually
              of our society brought about       in the thinking process of the    deploy to suppress it.
              by our so-called modernity and     Western elites-the political      Our global society should
              the possible devastating effects   financial oligarchy, is their     be organized on these

              it will have on humanity a few     failure to understand the         principles of human creative
              years down the line. The “idol”    unique characteristic of what     enhancement, not a fixed set
              called status quo is taking a      makes us human. Endowed           of rules established by the
              massive hit from the stones        by the Creator, we humans,        bankrupt Western invention

              hurled by various people who       and we alone of all species,      of a so-called rules-based
              are beginning to seek answers      and unlike all machines,          international order.”
              for the meaningless world          and all computer programs,
              system that we have created        possess the power of creative     The fools in the World

              and endured for too long. The      mentation. In other words, the    Economic Forum who are
              future existence of the human      mental power to hypothesize,      making the rules about
              race is at stake, and if we do     as brilliantly and beautifully    sustainable development based
              not do something critical that     elaborated by Plato in his        on green energy, are the very

              makes us stop, evaluate where      dialogues and by Socrates.        ones who own the companies
              we are and are coming from,        With this power, which exists     cutting down indigenous
              and then make a change in          in all human beings as a          forests. They own the oil
              direction, we will have no         potential to be developed,        companies and the mining

              home called earth to live in. Or   there are no limits to the        companies that have devastated
              maybe Earth will just recycle      expansion of the human race       our local communities
              us all out of itself for being     and the transformation of         and turned them into toxic
              such mindless ingrates.            our physical universe. Thus,      wastelands. They live in luxury

                                                 people and nations are not        high-rise hotels made with
              In his article titled: Why The     fixed. All societies and cultures,   materials that are detrimental
              “Rules-Based International         if they are human, embody         to the environment, fly private

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