Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 44
We have not yet built a proper whether I believed what God has milestones that were a surprise
structure and system around it said about this company. So I from God. From a professional
because I am still very busy with wouldn’t call them challenges I perspective, it is also to see small
Glass House and other projects would call them opportunities to companies grow using PR. For
that I’m supposed to be doing. grow and opportunities to perfect example, a company we worked
But we’ve seen some companies that which God had started. with came to the country with
that have come to us and we only one person on the team, but
introduced them to someone and What would you say has over the years they were able to
their business took off; others been your greatest success grow using PR. We used a lot of
came to us, they didn’t know how to date? Facebook and media relations,
to market themselves, we trained It depends on how and over the years they were able
them, they took off; someone was we define to open outlets in Nairobi and
looking for a client, they got a client; su ccess, even in other East African
someone was looking for some some can cities and our success
skills they got some skills. It’s been say working came through PR
an interesting process for most of with FB, activities, not any other
the people who have attended A Viber or the activity.
Billion Startups. We are working Ethiopian
on the system and structure now Government Afrika certainly is
to expand the platform and to help was a in need of some
more entrepreneurs in Afrika. success, but quick and decisive
those are just help in order for
What are the challenges nice her to rise to her
that you have encountered
true potential.
along the way and how As a PR
have you seen God’s
hand helping you
what’ s
to surmount
the most
so l u ti o n
of the
you can
give to
challenges Afrika
at the beginning, make this
capital, maybe not shift?
having the right team I believe
and not being trusted because the critical
I was young or the company was solution is
new in the market. But I think it knowing
was just in the head because our identity.
later on I could see the narrative I think for
that God was telling, so from my many years
own perspective they are not the reason
actually challenges, because we haven’t
everything works together made this shift
for good. I remember a year to become who
we had this one client who we are supposed
used to be very harsh on to become, is
us and every time we because we
would go and pitch to get didn’t know who
other clients we never we are. Our
would get them, but identity over
then later that year I the years has
understood that I was been tainted...
being tested about I think
faithfulness - to see colonialism