Page 48 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 48


        her mother, she says, “It was one  him, triggering thoughts about how  other side and they wanted to help
        of those things where  one thing  else he could use the plot and how  me.” Things were beginning to turn
        leads to another, so diabetic ulcer  much  he  could  potentially  make  around for Bella. “It’s not complete;
        leads to blood pressure, leads to  from it after seeing the structure.  we do something on it every day.
        heart condition. It was so bad that  He now told Bella that she would  My friends come by and also offer
        my mother, I think  at one  time  need to increase the amount she  to do things for me, like to paint a
        died  and  then  woke  up  again.”  was paying him to an amount that  wall.” She enjoyed so much favor
        Her mother’s leg ended up having  was  beyond  her.    It  just  wasn’t  during her reconstruction; a friend
        to  be  amputated  at  the  knee.  going  to  be  possible  for  her.  told her that it was a result of all the
        “We had  to seek  the  intervention  She tried negotiating  with him to  seeds  she  had  sown  in  people’s
        of  a  plastic  surgeon  to  help  my  convince  him  to  continue  as  per  lives over time.
        daughter’s hand,” she says. It was  their original terms, but he wasn’t  “So we built; I put a photo studio
        difficult  on  them  financially  and  budging.    Deeply  disappointed  here  and  that’s  what  we  were
        the whole experience was such a  and heartbroken she had to bring  focusing  on because  it brings
        weight emotionally as well. “I saw  the structure down and had to let  in some money.  Then one day
        God use people to assist in ways  go of the location.                   my  camera  died.  Now  I  have  a
        I cannot describe, my mother was                                        studio and no camera!” she says,
        discharged on time, all bills paid,  Out  of  options  and  money,  her  laughing.  She continues, “There
        and  my  daughter’s  hand  is  not  dreams crushed, Bella stored  was a mosaic I was working on, to
        fully healed but she is gaining use  all  her  recovered  metal  building  replace a painting I had sold from
        of her hand again.”                 materials, in the compound of their  my house and I had hung it in the
        Because  of that season,  her  art  house took her children and went  studio.  Then a guy came to the
        was put on hold for a time. Once  to her mother’s house to regroup.     studio one day and asked to buy
        things settled again, Bella was low                                     it. He said he had a gallery in Kilifi
        on cash but full of determination to  But God had been up to something  and he wanted pieces like the one
        continue and to find a space where  in the midst of all this. When she  I had. I didn’t want to sell it, so I
        she  could  finally  be  able  to  give  came back to Mombasa, God  gave him a price that was intended
        voice to every possible aspect of  moved and her friend (and former  to discourage him and make him
        artistic creativity for herself and for  landlord) checked in with her to find  go away. And he said, “okay!”  “
        others.                             out what was going on. His brother
                                            owned an empty plot of land just
        That  day came,  in 2018, when  a walking  distance  from the one
        Bella found what she hoped would  where she had constructed her            On Faith “I pray
        be a home for her future studio, in  first studio, it had been vacant for    this story will
        Bamburi area of Mombasa. She  a while. Her friend told her, “I’ll talk
        negotiated a rate with the landlord  to him; I’ll get you that land.” And   prove that God is
        and slowly by slowly started to  he did. Not only did he do that but
        build up the place. She would earn  his brother cleared all outstanding   real. Do not limit
        a little money here and there and  debts  connected  to  the  property    God, dare Him by
        save  up  and  then  put  something  and gave it to her at a price and
        on the site. With the support of her  terms reasonable  enough  for her   pursuing what seems
        husband, she gradually converted  to afford.
        the  site  from  a  swampy  piece  of  And so, in October, 2018, Bella’s      impossible...”
        ground, to something stable, and  dream of having a studio was back
        taking  the  pieces  of  scrap  metal  on track!  She says, “I think God  Surprised,  Bella  sold  her  first
        that she and her husband had  is the One Who pulled me out of  mosaic artwork, she added to

        painstakingly  gathered  over  time,  that  land and brought me here.  her  savings  and  this  allowed
        put  up  the  structure  that  would  It’s  bigger,  we’ve  been  able  to  her  to  replace  her  camera,  but  it
        house her studio.                   put  more  here.  I  have  seen  God  also started her on a new and
                                            here.  My  workers  came  and  put  unexpected path. In April this year,
        It  was  a  labor  of  love  and  she  up the structure for me using the  when MyTribeisArt were holding
        must have done a really good job  materials that we had used on the  the “Safari ya Sanaa” (journey of
        of  it,  but  something  unexpected  previous  structure,  my  neighbor  art) exhibition at Alliance Française
        happened. The landlord who she  across runs a hardware store  in Nyali, Mombasa, she was called
        had been negotiating with  turned  and  told  me  just  pick  what  you  upon to prepare some mosaics, so
        up one day when the structure had  need  and  pay  me  slowly,  we’re  she gathered  her team and they
        finally  gone  up.  It  seems  a  little  neighbors. I think people here just  sat together and created.  One
        spark of an idea had gone off inside  saw what I  went through on the  of  the  pieces  she  made  called,
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