Page 52 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 52
and we were overrun. Those who physics, chemistry and foreign peace. God pre-determined the
could see the problem and voice it languages. role and place for each and every
were all-too-quickly silenced. We thought we were poor, but nation. Meaning that He was never
we had advanced trading routes going to bless what would take us
3. We never stop to think and established across the continent, off course. So, what has looked
assess what is going on and what currencies and agreed upon like hard-going and struggle for
to do about it. While it is evident exchange rates. You can check Afrika to get there (wherever this
that the countries that we try to out the story of Mansa Musa in mysterious ‘there’ is) has been God
emulate are sinking, we don’t stop the last issue. having mercy on us, preventing us
to think that perhaps, because we We had street lighting, healthy from becoming just like the rest of
have charted the same course, food, clean water and air. (Check the world. He gave us everything
that we could end up EXACTLY out the story of Benin Kingdom in the world needs and desires in
where they are. Meaning, present day Nigeria). We had a terms of material wealth, which we
we are pursuing futility and health system based on a deep are meant to safeguard and not
meaninglessness with great zeal understanding of our environment. plunder. But, more than that, He
and fervor. Spending billions and Our medicine has been for gave us potential to be everything
getting deeper and deeper into thousands of years, created from that they need spiritually at this very
debt. It has been 60 years since the very nature that God Himself moment in time, such that in a world
independence, and our greatest said will heal the nations of the where morality has collapsed, died
pursuits remain electricity, roads, earth. But we managed to allow a and been buried, much of Afrika
hospitals and schools. Tangible, group of people who started their still values family, relationship,
temporal, material things that, medicine just a hundred years ago communal welfare, love and the
evidence suggests, will get us to call ours alternative medicine strength of the whole. Afrika has an
nowhere, fast. simply because they know how answer for the corruption that has
to package lies and death in fine entered society’s basic building
Afrika, what is it? bottles, tablets and capsules. block- the family. Get that right and
We had organized nations with a major part of the battle is won.
If you were raising a child who superior military techniques. But first and foremost AFRIKA
kept copying his friends, wanting We were never weak, or foolish needs to stop rushing around and
to look, sound and dress like them, or backward or ignorant. We evaluate.
eat like them and all the while he have always had solutions to
was losing his unique personality, our challenges, but somehow we There is not much time left.
to his own detriment... You would allowed ourselves to be overcome
raise the alarm, right? 60 years by lies, spices, glass beads and
has brought us nothing of what fabric.
they said it would if we followed
their guidelines for surefire The biggest problem is not even
success, yet we still persist. that we were fooled once. It’s that
we continue to allow ourselves
We thought that we were backward to be duped, manipulated and
because we had no hospitals, yet misused. That stops when we
advanced c-sections were being stop and review.
performed in Uganda before Our goal cannot be how to achieve
Europe. That was not in my history what ‘they’ have achieved, but how
books. to become what we are intended
We thought we were ignorant but to be as per God’s standards
in Mali, Egypt, Morocco, there and measure. To stop playing
were important centers of learning, the game by their rules, stop
way before colonialism. In fact the minimizing the wonder that God
first university in the world which created us to be. Our goal has to
still exists today is UNIVERSITY be to start to value ourselves and
OF AL-KARAOUINE, in Morocco. establish the environment, values
It was founded in 859 AD. It and purposes that favors us.
developed into one of the leading
universities for natural sciences. Here is what I mean about the Chioma Phillips
It wasn’t until 1957 that the lack of understanding causing
university added mathematics, one to fight what makes for their