Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 50

study. In the end they will be more  extraordinary.  There is this extra
        There seems to be a huge            fulfilled if they are able to find ways  that  they  have  above  the  ordinary
        competition between art             to express themselves artistically.”  human. This is what breaks my heart
                                            She’s not an advocate for forcing  because it’s not right that they suffer
        and photography. In my
                                            children  to be what they are not  trying to prove it. They need support
        opinion,          photography       meant  to  be,  “My  first  born  son  from ordinary humans,” laughs Bella.
        seems to be taking the lead  is not interested in art, so I don’t  On Faith“ I pray this story will prove
        globally. What do you think  force him. I only forced him during  that God is real. Do not limit God,
        is the reason for this?             the  Art  Camp,”  she  laughs,  “but  dare  Him  by  pursuing  what  seems
        “Photography  is  art,  so  there’s   otherwise,  I  don’t  force  him.  I  impossible. If that’s His intention for
        no competition. It uses the same    believe  that  a  lot  of  these  young  you, He shall see you through no
        principles  of  composition,  light   people  who  are  going  around  matter the circumstance.”
        and  shadow.  It’s  the  same.  Most   slashing  people  in  Bamburi,  at
        of  the  young  people  who  walk   least  25%  of them, are  artistic
        in here and want to  be  taught     in nature and are just  frustrated
        photography,  most  of  them  do  it   because  they  don’t  have  access
        because  it  is  ‘cool’.  They  want   to a way to express it.”
        to walk around with a camera on
        their shoulder. And I can tell you,   Any final words?
        when you do something because it    On Art “I keep saying this, artists
        is ‘cool’, most people will drop off.”  are not ordinary people. They are

        Which do you prefer?
        Photography or art?
        Unless you’re talking about visual
        art  in  which  case  I’d  say,  can  I
        have both? With photography you
        can  take  a  hundred  photos  and
        choose  one,  but  with  visual  art,
        you are building up the frame and
        it’s only one. So maybe visual art.

        Her advice to parents
        in  Afrika  and  Afrikans
        in general who  may be
        struggling to find what they
        are really meant to do and
        are currently engaged  in
        activities that do not fulfill?
        “I am just like they were. Before I
        started  pursuing  art  deliberately,
        I  did some other things and I
        struggled.  I  was  happiest  when  I
        was teaching art to children while
        I worked at an NGO and  when  I
        was distributing sanitary towels at
        another NGO. But having to sit at
        a desk, I struggled. That’s when I
        was my most creative in my mind,
        imagining  what else I  could be
        doing.  Even  during  my  studies,  I
        would be reading and imagining a
        project I could be working on. They
        should make room for their children
        to  learn  alongside those  other
        things they want their children to
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