Page 61 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 61
he pyramid always as a method of providing new
symbolises bigger life to the dead, because the
consciousness of pyramid represented the form
strength and energy. of the physical body emerging
In your inside there from the earth and ascending
Tis a point in which all towards the light of the sun.
levels cut themselves. This is the Within man, there are two
place of the renewal at which even aspects. There is his real
dull razor blades become sharp inner, divine self. There is
again. With a bigger pyramid also the body and intellect
this place can be used for mystic which, at his present stage
experiences. The entrance of a of evolution, consider himself
pyramid in the dream stands for to be a separate egoist entity.
the search for the sense of life. However, there comes a time
She exists, as everybody knows, when man realises that he is not
of a square and four equilateral the body and intellect. His real
triangles, can translate as a vision existence is a state of being; a
the action strictly directed on consciousness at one with the
order. The pyramid can be to be Universal consciousness.
travelled in the dream a picture for
the wish of the dreaming. Often The great pyramids of Egypt
are reflected in her also actual hold a real significance in this
travel recollections. On the other great spiritual quest.
hand, the pyramid can also be on
a discussion with ritual religious Firstly, there is great significance
problems. Old-Egyptian dream in an equilateral triangle. The
researchers stated who sees a three sides refer to the tri-
pyramid, a secret gets. natured aspect of God: God
the creator, God the preserver
Spirituality and God the transformer. This
At the spiritual level the pyramid tri-natured aspect of God, can
is a symbol for the integration also be seen in the analogy of
of self-and soul. In dreams the a seeker’s journey. There is the
pyramid can stand for the death, starting point, which represents
but it also contains rebirth. The his birth in the matter of creation,
base of the pyramid stands for the there is then the long journey of
body, the sides show the spiritual evolution and inner discovery;
attempts, the point symbolises the finally ending in the seeker’s
harmonious union of the human realisation of his true identity. At
with the ‘higher self-‘ (God). this point, the seeker loses his
identity and re-submerges in his
On a metaphysical level, for original divine consciousness.
some belief systems the Great Thus there are 3 aspects to
Pyramid is a place of great a seeker’s journey. This tri-
spiritual significance. If the natured aspect is perfectly
Great Pyramid was used for reflected in an equilateral
religious purposes – such as a triangle, which boasts a perfect
temple, place of meditation, or symmetry. Within the 3 lines of
holy monument — rather than the triangle, there is the area
as a tomb, then certainly its size within. Thus we can say that the
alone would make it a place of one is in the three and the three
wonder. The ancient Egyptians encompasses the one. This is
saw the shape of the pyramids the nature of God, 3 in 1 and