Page 62 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 3
P. 62


                                            it  is  hard  to  find  evidence  of  represents  a  relationship  with
        1 in 3. Thus it is said that God    these early spiritual practices.    the  Divine  Spirit.  In  traditional
        has four faces. Like points on                                          African culture most  forms  of
        the Compass; the four aspects       The  significance  of  the  dance  follow  the  shape  of  a
        of  God,  represent  a  different   Circle in  traditional  African  circle.  For  example,  isangoma
        aspect of his nature.               spirituality                        (the  diviner)  uses  a  circular
        The  shape  of  the  pyramids  is   In  traditional  African culture  dance  when  performing  acts
        chosen very carefully to reflect    and spirituality the image of the  of  divination.  Whilst  divination
        these  underlying  aspects  of      circle  is  a  prominent  feature  is  intended  to  cure  life’s
        the  divine  unity.  The  pyramid   that permeates all departments  illness and restore wholeness,
        has 4 faces. Three faces to the     of life. In essence,  the circle  its  performance  enacts  the
        heavens,  and  one  face  to  the   represents        completeness,  wholeness  of  life  and  gives
        earth. The pyramid is composed      fullness. It is the primal source  visible expression to how life is
        of 4 equilatoral triangles, which   of  energy and wisdom.  The  like  when  lived  in  its  fullness.
        all manifest the cosmic nature      circle is thus an image of what  For example, participants in the
        of God 3 in 1 and 1 in 3. The       is named God – that which  is  ceremony of divination sit in a
        pyramids  were  built  with  the    the source of all things and  circle singing and clapping.
        greatest  precision.  It  was  not   continues  to  give  birth  to  new
        built  by  slaves,  but  by  adepts   possibilities  thereby  offering  Many other creations and rituals
        who had mastery over nature.        hope.  The  association  of  God  are circular. For example, men
        They used their understanding       with  the  circle  (or  vice  versa)  and women in a rural village sit
        of sacred laws to make stones       explains  why  many  life  forms,  in a circle, drinking home brew
        weightless. They could reduce       ceremonies,  rituals, buildings  beer out of circular utensils, and
        the  gravitational  pull  on  huge   in traditional  African culture  circulate the utensils  among
        blocks of stone, thus enabling      follow  the  shape  of  a  circle.  themselves.         Abakhwetha
        them to  be effortlessly used.      Now I will  try to illustrate  why  (initiates at the circumcision
        The idea  of a huge  army of        these circular formations are  school),  during  their  period
        slaves  building  the  pyramid,     prominent  in  African  culture  of  separation,  live  in  round
        has only been created because       and tradition.                      shaped  structures  (ibhuma)
        many  modern  egyptologists         Life is sacred because life  which symbolise their birth into
        cannot  conceive  that  the         and creation manifest God.  new life through their passage
        ancient  Egyptians  may  have       Therefore  life and  creation  from boyhood to manhood.
        had technology not available to     are  places  of  encounter  with  And so, a circle symbolises birth
        modern man.                         God.  And so, the circular  into  new  life,  completeness
                                            shapes  that  rituals,  buildings  which  is associated  with the
        The  primary  purpose  of  the      and certain life forms follow  Creator.  The circle is also
        great pyramids was a place for      manifest  divinity,  sacredness,  a symbol of inclusion and
        spiritual initiation. It was in the   unity,   completeness,    inter-  interconnectedness  with all
        sacred  confines  of  the  great    connectedness  and fullness.  creation. When people meet in
        pyramids  that  initiates  would    For  example,  the  circular  a  circle,  everyone  occupies  a
        undergo the process of attaining    shape of the rondavel is meant  front-seat. In a circle everything
        real illumination. The pyramids     to align the homestead with  is interconnected.
        were chosen because they are        the Creator and the fullness of
        an  outer  symbolism  of  man’s     life. The shape of the rondavel  However, it is hugely regrettable
        inner  quest. The  spirituality  of   has deep-seated religious and  that most churches  in  Africa
        ancient  Egypt  was  concerned      spiritual   connotations.    The  reflect  a  feudal,  hierarchical
        with initiates  seeking  the        rondavel represents the origins  and European architecture, with
        Divine    within    themselves.     of creation and the unity of life.  oblong buildings,  long aisles,
        Unfortunately,  over  time,  the    It is a symbol of safety and  sanctuaries  set  apart  from  the
        spiritual  initiates  who  guarded   fullness of life.                  place “ordinary” worshippers.
        the secrets of realisation, lost    Similarly,     dance        gives  However,        if    missionary
        influence  and  over  time,  the    expression      to    a     deep  Christianity had, from  the
        pyramids  became  used  for         relationship with the Creator or  onset, taken traditional African
        different purposes. This is why
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