Page 18 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 30
P. 18
Many wars are raging against Africa right place? A friend wrote on his Facebook page
now which we must fight to win. And the big and said:
fight facing us right now, which we cannot “90% of the “food” in grocery stores today
afford to lose, is the war against the Agro- didn’t exist 90 years ago.
colonization of Africa or the colonization Guess what else?
of Africa’s seeds and food systems. Agro- 90% of the diseases we face today didn’t
colonization in Africa is the forceful or either.”
subtle takeover of Africa’s agriculture which Think about that.
includes indigenous seeds, indigenous
farmlands, indigenous food systems and Below is a post someone posted on their
the introduction of GMOs by pseudo-farm LinkedIn page and it captures what I am
corporations for globalist interests. And trying to say in this article.
in case you have not noticed, the biggest “In the landscape of modern healthcare,
weapon for future wars will not be nuclear a startling revelation emerges: despite the
weapons or AI, but the control of food and proliferation of pharmaceuticals, few, if
water. We must stop it from happening by any, are designed to cure. Dr. Joel Wallach’s
saving indigenous organic seeds now. assertion points to a grim reality—our
We did a video about this issue a while health system prioritizes management over
back and we gave more comprehensive eradication. With over 250,000 drugs listed
information about the evil of GMOs to in the Physician’s Desk Reference, excluding
humans and the environment, and what we a handful of antibiotics, none aim to cure.
must do to salvage things before they get out Instead, they manage symptoms, sustaining a
of hand. cycle of dependency.
The evil twins This interdependency between
For anyone who cares to listen, the issues pharmaceuticals and insurance systems
we are faced with right now globally and reveals a profound issue. The absence of
even in Africa are not just the war against legislation mandating the development of
our indigenous seeds through the weapons curative drugs underscores a systemic flaw.
of GMOs but also the pharmaceutical The focus remains on managing conditions,
companies which are using humans as lab thereby ensuring continuous consumption
rats for their medicines which are byproducts of medications. This approach benefits
of the petroleum industry. As I have already pharmaceutical companies and insurance
mentioned, what the pharmaceutical entities financially but leaves patients in a
companies mostly do is create addictive perpetual state of treatment without the hope
medicines that only mask symptoms but do of cure.
not cure diseases. After all, how can they
make medicines that will cure diseases when Imagine a world where the primary goal
their friends created the diseases in the first is not just to alleviate symptoms but to
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