Page 43 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 30
P. 43


                                                                      “Knowledge is a garden. If it isn’t

                                                                     cultivated, you can’t harvest it.” ―
                                                                                        African proverb

                                                                that have choked Africa for decades must
                                                                now be removed and replaced with something

                                                                worthy of a people who are the Motherland
                                                                of Humanity. The season we are in and the
                                                                future we want to see call for it.

                                                                However, the reality of a better Africa cannot
                                                                just be an idea that we carry around, a theory
                                                                we talk about in conferences and summits, or
                                                                even a dream that we hope should magically

                                                                appear someday in the future. It should be
                                                                a measurable, conscious project that we all
                                                                are willing to plan for and do the work that
                                                                is required to make happen. But this won’t

                                                                even begin to happen until we start to both
                                                                see the need for a better Africa and begin to
                                                                practically work towards its actualization.
                                                                Also, we cannot begin to actively engage in

                                                                the betterment of Africa if we do not have a
                                                                focused idea of the various aspects of African
                                                                life that need such a conscious project. And
                                                                even though the entire living, breathing

                                                                organism called Africa needs a rebirth which
                                                                will take more time and resources, we can at

                      here must come a time in the lives of     least start with the most obvious ones. Below
                      a people when they tell themselves        is a short list of the most basic areas that we
               Tthat there is a need for something              must tackle and begin to make changes in:

               better than what they have always had. The
               sadness, poverty, corruption, mismanagement,     Healthcare
               backwardness and the various foreign and         Because of the active damage that capitalism
               local manipulations of local policies and even   and the over-commercialization of the
               the crises in various parts of the continent     health sector has done and is still actively
                                                                doing, what we have right now in health

                                                                                        ISSUE 30  | AUGUST  2024  43
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