Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 30
P. 44
care is mostly not care but the exchange of with our families. We just have to decide to
money for the products of pharmaceutical start.
companies which really don’t care for our
health. This is not an idle statement but what Food production
you can clearly measure if you look at the The war against Africa’s indigenous seeds
number of people who are hooked on or made is very real and the devastation it is causing
addicted to these pharmaceutical products. already is staring us all in the face even as
And this is not necessarily because these we speak. Take for example, according to the
products are doing a great job of restoring UN, Zimbabwe recently became the country
health, but because they make you depend with the largest number of cancer cases
on more drugs to alleviate the side effects of globally. Interestingly, Zimbabwe is also one
the original drugs that you started with. So, of the countries in Africa that has been eating
instead of being healed from whatever the GMOs and the derivatives of GMO products.
ailment may have been (if you were even It’s pretty easy to make the connection that
diagnosed accurately and genuinely), you GMOs, no matter what their creators tell
instead become a walking machine that is you, can never be a healthy alternative to
fueled and maintained by medicines which real organic food. The one way out of this
are byproducts of the petrochemical industry. evil of GMOs is to aggressively plant and eat
And the basic meaning of that is, that indigenous organic food crops. If we boycott
pharmaceutical companies care about making the buying of GMO products, their production
sure you are always sick so that your life and sale will naturally die off. We are that
makes them money. Human life to them has powerful and can make such change happen
become a database of money-making entries. in Africa.
But we can stop this. We must move from
the commercialized treatment of symptoms Information Technology
to a more humanized curing of diseases. And An Africa that should be better must factor
this means that we must give real focus to in how the data of Africans are collected by
preventive medicine, and curative medicine, foreign platforms online, and even offline, and
rather than the medical system we have what they are used for. And this should begin
now that deals with just symptoms. This with Africa owning its versions of everything
preventive type of health care starts with that works on the internet. Accurate systems
paying attention to the health of the food for internet usage and data collection must be
we eat, the health of the soil in which our put in place.
foods are grown, the health of the water we
drink, the health of the environment we live Holistic Family life
in and the various aspects of healthy organic It takes a family of individuals to create
lifestyles. communities for a better Africa. In a real
We do not need any government policies to sense, holistic living must be spiritual,
start to make this a reality in our homes or mental and physical. We must work towards
| we tell the true afrikan story