Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 35


               over the city from 1433 CE.

               There were also sporadic
               attacks by the Mossi people,
               who then controlled the lands

               south of the Niger River. C.
               1468 CE, King Sunni Ali
               of the Songhai Empire (r.
               1460-1591 CE), who was
               vehemently anti-Muslim,

               conquered Timbuktu.

               Present Day Mali

               It’s very interesting to me     Local transport boats
               that when you search for
               Mali online right now,
               what you mostly find are            as ancient Kemet was? I         like Mali became great

               fragments of information            am pretty sure the answer       and endured for centuries.
               about the present-day               is the same for every part      But let me just touch on a
               military regime, which, by          of Africa and why the           few. And this is not in any

               the way, is made to look            descendants of the once         order of importance.
               ugly, I guess deliberately so.      highly organized ancient
               A few articles talk about the       kingdoms and empires            Military power: I have
               Malian culture and traditions,      in Africa cannot create         said this over and over
               art, and then largely poverty,      or keep a sane system           again and will repeat it

               and insurgency but most of          of governance in place          yet again. No nation on
               the information is on ancient       or let’s say, in peace. A       earth, especially with the
               Mali. But what does it              deliberate machinery that       madness of globalization

               mean? What happened to the          is created, engineered, and     going on, can stand and
               greatness, wealth, military         oiled to constantly make        speak in the global system
               might, and grandiosity that         everything in Africa a          if it cannot defend itself
               ancient Mali was known for          shadow of what it should        against other nations’
               and why does it not reflect         be. But who is to blame?        military aggression or

               in modern-day Mali? What            The answer is Africans.         oppression. It’s just not
               happened to the knowledge                                           possible. Military power
               systems that were created           What can we learn?              is one of the many factors

               in ancient Mali and which           There are various reasons       that helped to build such
               made Mali a center of               why ancient African             amazing ancient African
               learning for the world just         kingdoms and empires            kingdoms and empires.

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