Page 36 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 32
P. 36

Art & Culture

               And we need to learn from that. The present world        affect us. The idea of the unity and

               system is designed to stand on the faulty Western        partnership of African countries in
               foundation or philosophy that says only the strong       trade is not some luxury idea, it’s a
               survive in the jungle. If this is true like they make    way of survival. The balkanization

               it appear, how come they don’t ever start such           of the landmass called Africa was
               statements by calling themselves wild animals who        an intentional idea of the Berlin
               live in the jungle who must use the faulty ideology of   conference to make sure Africa never
               the jungles? Instead, they tell you they are developed,   could summon its entire population
               and civilized and your African countries are third-      to unite for anything meaningful.

               world and poor. But we have seen what happens in         And this was more than a century
               the streets of these so-called civilized nations when an   ago. But why are we still giving
               incident happens and there is a power cut. The streets   power to this idea that is not helpful

               are instantly wild with human-wildlife looting shops     for the emancipation of Africa? It
               and smashing vehicles parked on the streets.             does not make sense to fly out of the
                                                                        continent of Africa and then route
               My point is, that the so-called civilization of the West   back to connect with another African
               or Europe, for which they flaunt their muscles and       country, simply because we told

               poke their noses in things that should not concern       ourselves that the so-called airspaces
               them in Africa and also get away with doing so,          belong to our various African
               is because no African nation presently has enough        countries and we determine who we

               military power to stop foreign military aggression.      want to pass through. How stupid
               So, when an Ibrahim Traoré of Burkina Faso or an         that sounds. Really!
               Assimi Goïta of Mali decides they have had enough
               of the madness, they are painted with the brush of       Foreign debts were unknown:
               “dictators” and “militias” and not as patriots who are   In all my reading about African

               fighting to liberate their nations from age-long foreign   kingdoms and empires or even
               oppressions.                                             simple African communities, foreign
                                                                        debts are never mentioned as a thing

               Trade in local resources among themselves: This          or a modus operandi for nation or
               is one of the major reasons why ancient kingdoms         community building. They lived
               and empires became very wealthy and expanded             within their means and the madness
               beyond what was possible in their time. They knew        of individualism and consumerism
               the power of trade to generate both physical wealth      that has become a cancer in the bones

               and the influence that comes with such wealth.           of the people of the world was not
               Present-day African countries are still failing in this   known then. As we all can see from
               regard. We speak of unity and the many advantages        the various information that shows up

               of unity among Africans, but we love too much the        in the public domain every now and
               chicken and chips of Europe, and it’s making us          then, modern-day debt that nations
               blind and weak in tackling global issues that directly   are compelled to take is not because

                 |   we tell the true afrikan story
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