Page 14 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 14


                one step at a time, pushing through the         Sexual abuse is defined as any form of

                discomfort and uncertainty. Embrace the         sexual contact that occurs without consent,
                process, and trust that with each step you      encompassing a range of unwanted
                take, you are slowly but surely reclaiming      interactions. This can include but is not

                your sense of self and healing in your own      limited to, actions such as unwanted
                way.                                            touching, rape, sodomy, coercing someone
                                                                into nudity, and taking sexually explicit
                Since our childhood, remember the time          photographs without the individual’s consent.
                you thought you never could survive? You

                did survive and that is why you are reading     The impact of such abuse can be profound
                this, and you can do it again. During such      and damaging, affecting the victim’s physical
                difficult moments, you thought life that life   and emotional well-being.

                had conspired against you. Some of the
                experiences we go through as humanity           Mental mistreatment, often referred to as
                can shatter our hopes and bruise our            emotional abuse, involves the intentional
                understanding of life.                          infliction of psychological pain and distress
                                                                on an individual. This type of abuse can

                These experiences include:                      manifest in various harmful behaviors, such
                                                                as intimidation and coercion, where the
                Physical abuse and violence often occur         abuser seeks to exert control over the victim.

                in families struggling with substance abuse     It may also include ridicule and harassment,
                issues, where the harmful effects can escalate   undermining the victim’s self-esteem and
                into intentional acts of bodily injury. This    sense of identity. Additionally, treating an
                type of abuse can manifest in various violent   adult like a child can strip them of their
                behaviors, such as slapping or pinching,        autonomy and respect. Isolation is another

                choking or kicking, and shoving. There          tactic employed by abusers, as it cuts off
                are also more insidious forms, like the         the victim from family, friends, and normal
                inappropriate use of drugs to manipulate        activities, further entrenching their control.

                or control someone, or the use of physical
                restraints that limit a person’s freedom.       Furthermore, using silence to manipulate
                                                                behavior or resorting to yelling and swearing
                Recognizing the signs of physical abuse is      can create an atmosphere of fear and anxiety,
                crucial, as they can vary widely and may        leading to significant emotional distress for

                include unexplained injuries, frequent          the victim. This can lead to separations in
                “accidents,” or fearful behaviors in the        families that can bruise our wellness.
                presence of certain individuals. It is essential

                to address these issues to ensure the safety of   A sudden separation from a loved one is
                those affected.                                 lethal to the mind soul and body. This is a
                                                                distressing and unexpected parting from

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