Page 15 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 15
someone who plays a significant role in your How do we experience post-traumatic
life, creating profound emotional upheaval. growth?
This can occur in various contexts—a Appreciation of Life: During a visit to
romantic relationship that ends abruptly, a friend’s home, he shared a thought-
a family member moving to a new city, or provoking idea that resonated deeply with
even the tragic loss of a loved one through me: approximately 70% of our problems
unforeseen circumstances such as an accident may never find resolution. He explained that
or illness. often it is our standards, raised through the
acquisition of wisdom and knowledge, that
When this separation happens, it often grant us a deeper understanding of ourselves
triggers a cascade of intense emotions and our circumstances. This enlightenment
that can be difficult to navigate. You may allows us to rise above our difficulties,
experience deep sadness as you reflect on the standing on a metaphorical rock that seems
joyful moments you shared and the future higher than ourselves.
you had envisioned together. The grief can
be overwhelming, as you mourn not just the This journey of transformation requires us
person you’ve lost but also the closeness and to keep the clock of our learning perpetually
intimacy that characterized your relationship. ticking. We must remain present, facing our
Alongside this, anxiety may arise—worries pain head-on, acknowledging its presence
about your own well-being, the disruption of without sugarcoating the reality that it
your daily life, and the uncertainty of what can be quite unpleasant. Yet, amidst this
comes next can feel paralyzing. struggle, we find the strength to appreciate
the precious gift of life; we recognize that
Moreover, the sensation of emptiness that despite the trials we encounter, we are still
follows can be both profound and isolating, alive, resilient, and moving forward. This
as it may seem as though a crucial part of appreciation becomes a powerful anchor,
your life has been abruptly yanked away, reminding us of the beauty nestled within the
leaving behind a void that is both poignant chaos.
and difficult to fill. Whether the separation is
due to external circumstances beyond your The power of human connection and the deep
control or a personal decision, the emotional relationships we cultivate with one another
aftermath is often complicated and deeply can profoundly strengthen our spirits. It’s a
felt, requiring time and support to heal. In truth we often overlook: the transformative
navigating this challenging journey, it’s nature of authentic connections fueled by
essential to acknowledge the array of feelings compassion.
that surface and seek comfort from friends,
family, or professional help as you work Take, for instance, a dear friend of mine who
through the loss of that cherished connection. faced an emotional storm after giving birth,
leading her into the shadows of postpartum
ISSUE 33 | JAUNUARY 2025 15