Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 50


               Our world is currently bashed daily with         and degrees so they are counted among the
               all manner of falsehoods and pretenses and       intelligent and educated class. But in real

               even outright deception, just for social media   life, it’s not the certificate that does the job
               likes, comments or to make a sale online.        but what you know on the inside.
               Many people have lost their original self on     But life should not be lived like this.
               the premise of fakeness and whatever making

               it means to them will only be sustained by       I mean, of what use really is living a life
               more falsehood and fakeness.                     of falsehood just so you appear or sound
                                                                in a certain way to people who really don’t
               But this is the reality we now have all over     care?

               the world. People pose to take selfies beside
               cars that they don’t own just so they brag on-   Or of what use is living your life to impress
               line. Celebrities wear clothes and ride in cars   those who won’t blink an eyelid if you die
               that they hire while making everyone think       today?

               they have money. Students buy certificates

         50      |    w e t .M S INGIAFRIK AMA G t AZINE. C OM
                 |   we tell the true afrikan story
                      ell the true afrik
                                   an s
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