Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 46
Art & Cultur e
Art & Culture
excuses, it would be within those four years As a co-publisher and writer on this
of training when no one was around to watch magazine, there are days when the only thing
and condemn his excuses. that makes sense is to fold up the magazine
publication and just call it quits. It’s a free
But this is the reality of our lives on earth. magazine for the public but publishing it
Things don’t always go the way we plan monthly is neither cheap, free, nor without
them to and most times it will take an difficulties. So, in those moments of “should
extra push coupled with a big dose of I stop” or “should I continue”, the one thing
determination and discipline to rise or get that keeps me going is the fact that someone
through. out there, even if it’s one person, sees value
in the magazine and they want it to continue.
But one scary part of excuse-making is that Your story might be different and your
every excuse is valid. At least until failure experience different, as it should be, but we
comes knocking. There is practically no all have the same enemy — EXCUSES.
excuse that is not valid from the point of
view of the one giving the excuse. The Exes in Our Lives
So, while it makes sense for the person We all have exes that left our lives at one
making the excuse to make one, it might point or the other. To some, their exes are
not necessarily be what is needed for their the wives or husbands that walked away
growth and the growth of the community. leaving them all alone and vulnerable.
Life is much more than what works for us But to some, their ex is their former jobs,
as individuals but also what works for the failed investments, broken families, former
community in which we belong. successes, and various achievements that
have become excuses for not moving
Over the years as an author and writer forward.
of hundreds of articles, I have come to
understand that the greatest competitors we So, I see excuses as “exes that life uses” to
face in our quest to manifest our true self, hold us in a place while we are supposed
is ourselves. No bigger competitor than that to move forward. “Ex” “used” is a play on
voice on the inside that says you can’t do words as my own way of giving clarity to the
it. Interestingly enough, just like a tree with issue of excuses.
a double purpose, it’s the other side of that
same voice that cheers you on when no one Most times, what we fear and for which we
else is there to say keep going. The difference create excuses are not the great unknown but
will be which of the voices you have been the things we already know and experienced
feeding with the food of your determination but which we didn’t handle properly. Then
and discipline. we fall into the trap of blame games. So,
instead of learning from the experience,
ell the true afrik
| we tell the true afrikan story
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