Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 41
Geography and Climate
The archipelago, volcanic
in origin, features diverse
terrains, from flat,
arid islands to rugged,
mountainous landscapes.
The climate is generally
moderate, with stable
temperatures. However, the
islands experience extreme
dryness for much of the year,
except during the hot and
A Cabo Verdean woman. Image:
humid months of August and
September. Demographics and So, I pray for you mighty
Population nation of Cabo Verde, you
Economy and Culture Cabo Verde is home to are not just a collection of
Cabo Verde’s economy is approximately 611,014 ten small and big islands,
primarily service-based, people, with the majority you are a beacon of
with key sectors including residing on Santiago hope and you are mighty
tourism, commerce, Island. A significant indeed. I pray that even as
transportation, and public portion of the Cabo small as your population
services. The nation boasts Verdean population lives may be, you will rise and
a rich cultural heritage, abroad, particularly in the rise into the fullness of
blending Portuguese, United States, Europe, the purpose for which you
African, Brazilian, and and parts of Africa, were formed as an African
Cuban influences evident forming a vibrant diaspora nation.
in its music, cuisine, and community.
traditions. There is a blessing in
Prayer for Cabo Verde unity and as you unite
History and Independence After reading the various much more to tell a
When Portuguese explorers thoughts shared online different positive story
discovered the archipelago about Cabo Verde, I am from what has been told
in the 15th century, it was like “I need to visit this of Africa, may you be
uninhabited. Cabo Verde country.” I just simply richly blessed with all that
gained independence from love the story and makes a nation truly great.
Portugal on July 5, 1975, different places in this
following a prolonged country, and would love Amen.
struggle for freedom. to visit.
ISSUE 33 | JAUNUARY 2025 41