Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 33
P. 44

Art & Culture
                  Art & Culture

               “No more excuses. I’m            moments does tell a lot         And this is very true for our

               responsible for my mistakes      about how we have matured       everyday lives. We don’t
               and my choices.” — Brad          and how much we are             make enemies of life simply
               Pitt                             prepared to deal with our       because what we expected
                                                unknown tomorrow.               of our lives didn’t quite
                       ife on Earth is quite                                    manifest as we intended.

                       complex. We all have     There is an African proverb
               Lpainful moments in              that says “You don’t make       Life is already as
               our lives. In the same way,      water your enemy because        complicated as it can get,

               we all have joyful moments.      someone you know drowned        especially with all the
               But how we deal with our         in a river.”                    various changes on the
               joyful moments or painful                                        planet and the myriad of

         44      |    w e t .M S INGIAFRIK AMA G t AZINE. C OM
                 |   we tell the true afrikan story
                      ell the true afrik
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