Page 10 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 10

2020                                                            AND BEYOND
         2020 AND  BEYOND                                                                                                                                                                                              2020 AND  BEYOND

                                DECADE OF DIVINE CREATIVITY

                                Samuel Phillips

                    ertainly we are in
                    a time and  season
                    so    significant   in
                    the calendar of the
         Cearth that accurate
          response must  be given.  The
          celebration  of the year 5780  in
          the Hebrew calendar began on
          the evening of September 29th
          to  end  on evening of  October
          1st.  This Jewish celebration is
          called  Rosh  Hashanah  which
          means the head of the year or      Alphabet which was revealed        was a conclusion of the last ten
          simply put the beginning of the    in the early  Jewish  Talmud  as   years in the “Ayin” decade of the
          New Year.  This  Jewish  year      having  Heavenly  significance,    seeing  eye where God invited
          5780  aligns  with the Gregorian   just as the instituted feasts      us to “see” what He is saying,
          year 2020.                         (Rosh  Chodesh,  Yom Kippur,       this year and the nine years to
                                             Passover, and the Feast of         follow will be an invitation  to
          Of  note  is the  fact  that  the   Weeks etc) and appointed times    “speak” what God has shown
          Hebrew  language  is more than     of the Old Testament.              us in the last decade.  “Pey” is
          mere markings, but a richly                                           the Hebrew letter for the number
          intricate system of symbols and    This coming  year, 2020  in the    80, a picture symbol of a mouth.
          hidden mysteries which, all the    Gregorian  calendar, coincides     Discerning  when to speak
          time, give deeper meaning to       with the Hebrew year 5780, 80      and when to be quiet will be a
          basic things. Yes, this article is   being part of the “Pey” (rhymes   critical component during  the
          about the year 5780 or 2020 but    with “pay”) Decade that began at   next decade if we are to see the
          it is more than just that. It is both   Rosh Hashanah this September   Kingdom of God growing in our
          about the past ten years and the   29, 2019. Just  as 2019/5779       lives and our world through our
          next ten years. For example, this
          last decade from 2010 to 2019
          has been all about “seeing” what
          God is saying about you, about
          your life, about the plans He has
          for you and for the world around
          us.  It  is,  not  coincidentally,
          conjoined  with the  Hebrew
          Letter “Ayin” a picture  symbol
          of an eye and characterized by
          the number  70. Every year in
          the Ayin Decade coincides with
          another letter in the Hebrew

          10   |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                           heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    11
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