Page 12 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 4
P. 12

2020 AND  BEYOND                                                                                                                                                                                              2020 AND  BEYOND
                            Creativity in this case of the new generation will not just “

                            be about physical creations of innovative ideas and stuff,
                            but the bringing forth of realities hidden in the heart of the
                            Father to earth. Their lives are like wombs for God, carrying
                            "seeds" in God that must find expressions on earth.

          recording  songs, never  has       that He wants to pour out His      announcement will be made and
          there been a time when anyone      creative Spirit upon His creatives.   for when their mouths of creative
          asked for me to change my song     They will paint new realities,     power will be released.
          title.  That  was  first  for  me  and   photograph  the  perfection
          also very instructive about  the   of God’s creative essence,         The time is now.
          season. It  was after I released   innovate new technologies for      To create is to give life and not
          the song that  clarity began to    the Kingdom. It is the decade of   to create is not to give life, and
          come about the way things          new ideas that will spring forth   the power of life and death is in
          went. For it was around  that      with clarity and boldness.         the tongue.
          time  I  realized that  a  decade   I believe  the message  is quite
          had passed since the words         simple, but the reality of  it  is   And by creatives I mean
          the Lord gave me in 2009. I        found in what it is attached to,   those who literally have been
          was overwhelmed  with joy  as      that is, a life of The Cross and   gifted in acts  of  creativity as
          the  Holy  Spirit  started  helping   true followership  of Christ.   far  as  creating new things are
          me understand  that the song       Creativity in this  reality of  the   concerned. But much more it is
          had to have that new title as an   new  generation  will  not just    about those by whose lives the
          indication  of my faithfulness to   be about  physical creations  of   principalities and powers of this
          wait for  a  generation to  pass   innovative ideas and stuff,  but   world will know the many sided
          while holding on to The Cross of   the bringing  forth of realities   wisdom  of God found  in the
          Christ. The song was basically a   hidden  in the heart of the        embrace  of The  Cross. These
          marker for the end of a decade     Father to  earth.  Their lives are   creatives have been for  years
          and a marker for a new. During     like  wombs for God, carrying      hidden in the caves and secret
          this  time I  have seen things     realities  in  God  that  must  find   places of their walk with God.
          capable of making a faith walker   expressions on earth. They are     Their faithfulness to the carrying
          quit and just embrace the futility   creatives  because  they are the   of their cross even as they follow
          of  this world. But  the  power of   redeemed image of  God  and      the Lord in their silent years will
          The Cross kept me and for that I   like Him, they give life on earth   be rewarded. God  is  and will
          am eternally grateful.             by speaking and living out truth.   much more be their inheritance.
                                             The year 5780/2020  is the
          The New Generation                 beginning  of the decade of        The Heart of the Next
          A while ago, I woke up with a      the (Pey) or the mouth which       Generation
          message  ringing  loudly  in my    resonates with the fact that by    I  was  privileged on Rosh
          heart.  Within a  space of  a  few   the words of the mouth all things   Hashana day to attend a birthday
          seconds, I understood what the     were created in the beginning.     fellowship  where I was  led  to
          message was, even though I         It will be the same way for the    pray for the children  who were
          may not be able to repeat it word   creatives of the Lord who have    around. I sensed in the meeting
          for word, but  I  remember the     waited in time for Him to show     to ask the children  what they
          announcement  in the  message      Himself.  They have waited in      wanted from the Lord. That is, if
          concerning  2020  and the very     the silent years to allow the Holy   they  were to  stand before God
          next decade.                       Spirit to hover over their hearts,   and make a request, what would
          In summary, the Lord announces     preparing  them for when the
                                                                                their request be? The youngest

          12       |   heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika                                                                                                       heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika   |    13
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