Page 34 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 34


          of the Afrikan problem. If you ask   PLANE AND GO OFF SOME-           centric megalomaniacal politician,
          10 Afrikans today, “Have you ever   WHERE TO SOME EXOTIC              has seized in every country. So if
          heard of the theme called Silenc-  LOCATION. AND SO, THE              you look at the Kenyan newspa-
          ing the Guns?” perhaps only two    IDEOLOGISTS OF THE PAST            pers from January to December it
          will tell you that they know, which   DO NOT EXIST BECAUSE            is only a few individuals who are
          means that it’s not important and   RIGHT NOW WHAT HAS                always occupying acres and acres
          which therefore is an indictment of   HAPPENED IS, THE SONS           of the headline, even when they say
          those who are running the African   OF THOSE WHO FOUGHT               nothing. But I have no doubt in my
          Union. And yet this is the day of   FOR INDEPENDENCE HAVE             mind that they are there, but we
          Twitter, this is the day of Insta-  GROWN FAT AND LAZY.               must be prepared to sacrifice.
          gram, this is the day of Facebook,   WHAT DO YOU THINK?
          this is the day of all these media of   I can’t agree with you more. There   You know, about a year ago, I was
          communication so that within the   are too many champagne revolu-     invited to visit Lusaka in Zambia.
          twinkling of an eye you can cause   tionaries. In fact, they are not even   When I appeared at the airport and
          information to spread to every     revolutionaries, they are champagne   I disembarked a group of security
          nook and cranny of Afrika, but we   pseudo-revolutionaries who do     men confronted me and told me
          are not using that as effectively as   not believe in what they say and   that I had been declared persona
          we ought to. We have sinned and    they simply want the good life and   non grata in Zambia because I was
          fallen short of the glory not only of   therefore they want to be political-  a threat to security. And I was not
          God but also of our fellow Afrikans.  ly correct at all times. When you   disappointed, I said, “This then
                                             step out and step up to say things   is right, then I am saying some-
          I OCCASIONALLY THINK TO            that are discomfiting the only thing   thing that is useful. Now that I
          MYSELF THAT ONE OF THE             you should expect is criticism and   am a threat to security, then this
          CHALLENGES THAT WE ARE             insults and abuse and if you don’t   is right.” I was very glad because
          FACING NOW IS THAT PEO-            want to get into that space, sit at   we were talking about China and I
          PLE ARE NO LONGER WILL-            home and do nothing. When you      was talking about China, about and
          ING TO DIE FOR A GREAT             die we shall write on your tomb-   against, not that we should not trade
          CAUSE. THEY DON’T WANT             stone, ‘Here lies the man or a     with China, but that we ought to
          TO SACRIFICE REPUTATION            woman who did nothing because      hold our guards high when we are
          OR PHYSICAL LIFE IN ORDER          he tried nothing’. I can’t agree with   dealing with China and I irritated
          TO PUSH FORWARD SOME-              you more that there is a shortage of   the administration of Zambia and
          THING THAT THEY BELIEVE            men and women who are prepared     as I speak I suspect that I cannot be
          IN, BUT RATHER THAT THEY           to sacrifice by word and deed, but   allowed back in Zambia. So, we’ve
          WOULD WANT TO SAFE-                they are still there. There are many   got to go out there and say that
          GUARD THEIR MERCEDES               young men and women who are        which is good and right.
          PARKED IN THE BASEMENT             beginning to emerge. The only
          BELOW, OR THE FLASHY               problem is that they do not receive   WHAT, IN YOUR VIEW,
          SUITS, OR THE OPPORTUNI-           the oxygen of publicity which the   WOULD ENSURE THAT
          TY TO TRAVEL ON AN AIR-            politician, the manipulating ethno-  AFRIKA IS ABLE TO TRULY
                                                                                BREAK THE HOLD OF COR-
                                                                                RUPTION AND WHY HAVE
                                                                                WE NOT DONE IT YET?
                                                                                Let me start by saying that corrup-
                                                                                tion is a cancer in the body politic
                                                                                of most Afrikan countries. Cor-
                                                                                ruption undermines democracy.
                                                                                Corruption affects every sector of
                                                                                the society. It affects health systems,
                                                                                it affects agriculture, it affects educa-
                                                                                tion, everything. And there is extant
                                                                                evidence in this and many other
                                                                                countries that tells us exactly the
                                                                                same and this was the very reason

          34      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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