Page 35 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 35


          why the United Nations came up     is unfathomable and they are many   of authority, really, are very unfair
          with the United Nations Conven-    and they are quick to recruit others   to us.
          tion Against Corruption and Kenya,   into their scheme of things, so it’s   We can’t pay our doctors USD600.
          for example, was the first country   not going to be easy. But the voice   We can’t pay our academics - the
          to both sign and ratify the treaty   of reason must continue to be alive   highest-paid professor in this
          in Mérida in Mexico. Afrika itself   and well and governments must    country does not earn more than
          came up with the Convention for    continue to work at it, we must also   KES300,000 (USD3,000) and our
          Preventing and Combating Corrup-   work with our younger generation,   MPs in Kenya, in Nigeria and many
          tion and we have our own Anti-cor-  the TikTok generation or the mil-  countries are the best paid in the
          ruption Act here in Kenya, and     lennials must be told that indeed it   world, relative to our GDP. It is
          many other countries have created   is not right to reap where you’ve not   sad. If you want to get rich quick-
          specialized bodies that are specif-  sown. And if we send this message   ly, the shortest avenue is to be a
          ically designed and mandated to    and we speak about this message    politician in Afrika, save for very
          fight corruption. But corruption has   often, then I have no doubt in my   few countries. That is the quickest.
          become a way of life particularly for   mind that we will ultimately get   It’s robbery without violence, it’s
          those who are in the political arena   where we want to be. So it’s not   robbery by legislation. You simply
          that is what makes it very difficult to   going to be easy but we have a duty   legislate money to come your way
          fight. Look at your typical Afrikan   to do it.                       and it comes. We must stop this
          politician. Look at what they legiti-                                 nonsense going forward and voices
          mately earn and what they own and   ONE OF YOUR POPULAR               must be there that are raising them
          their lifestyles, they cannot explain   QUOTES SAYS, "WE LIVE IN      on a daily basis.
          it, but for corruption.            A COUNTRY WHERE OUR
          And therefore, if you pay school   YOUNG LADIES WHO HAVE              IT MAKES NO SENSE, OUR
          fees through corruption, if the car   RECENTLY ATTAINED THE           PRIORITIES ARE IN THE
          you drive is through corruption, if   AGE OF PUBERTY CANNOT           WRONG PLACE.
          your entire lifestyle is underwritten   AFFORD SANITARY PADS,         It’s prioritization, this is what I will
          by corruption, you can only pay lip   BUT OUR MEN AND WOMEN           conclude with, that going forward,
          service to corruption, because you   IN PUBLIC OFFICES HAVE           Afrika must prioritize what is in her
          cannot lead by example and you     IPADS, WHICH THEY DO               best interest. She must know what
          cannot have your words wedded to   NOT EVEN KNOW HOW TO               will improve the quality of the lives
          your deeds. And the problem in     USE." WHAT WAS THE BACK-           of her people. She must know what
          Afrika is there is impunity, people   DROP TO THIS PARTICULAR         she must do in order to carry her
          steal without a consequence. They   QUOTE?                            weight politically, economically and
          are not punished for it. But I’m   I think I said that in Uganda at a   otherwise and this requires that we
          beginning to be happy now because   forum where we were talking about   must have unity and that unity must
          people are getting punished.       the girl child I think and there were   be within the continent, that unity
          I know Kenya is already beginning,   parliamentarians in the assembly   must also bring our people from
          despite many problems, one can     and in effect I was saying, we’ve got   the Diaspora. This is the time that
          see an attempt to deal with the    to prioritize and I think there was   we must work together and make
          scourge. And one can also see an   a rhyme to sanitary pads and iPads   sure we are present in the aviation,
          attempt in Rwanda for example, in   and I wanted to send the message   we are present in insurance, we are
          quite a number of Afrikan, even    firmly but politely. And the truth is,   present in banks, we are present in
          in Nigeria or even in Ghana, there   even if one were to expand on what   infrastructure, we are present in ev-
          is an attempt now to deal with     I was saying, the sanitary pad could   ery sector and we are trading within
          the scourge of graft and to pun-   stand for anything. That you have   ourselves. If we do that, I have no
          ish those individuals and even to   countries where the minister has a   doubt in my mind that, if God gives
          seize the property that they have   motorcade and the per diem, the   us life, we’ll begin to see the early
          acquired illegally. This, I think, is a   mileage claims for a single MP for   fruits of that prioritization and that
          good thing. It is not a fight for the   example in Kenya is more than the   organization. It will be done and it
          faint-hearted, it is not going to be   salary of 100 teachers. It cannot be   must be done and it’s you and me
          easy because the children of dark-  right. So if you look at it from that   who must play our part.
          ness are ever a step ahead of the   perspective I’m simply saying that
          children of light and their resolve   our men and women in positions

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020  35
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