Page 42 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 42


                                                                                A cursory look at the political con-
                                                                                dition  in  Africa  today  reveals  four
                                                                                types of regimes that are dominant
                                                                                as far as the state is concerned. First,
                                                                                a few countries  including  Ghana,
                                                                                Botswana,  South  Africa, Mauritius
                                                                                and Namibia could be classified as
                                                                                liberal democracies with stable and
                                                                                consolidating  democratic  frame-
          brains in what came to be called the   without questioning.  While these   works.  Second,  the  majority of
          ‘brain drain’.                     external  interventions  have added   countries could be classified as elec-
                                             to Africa’s modern culture in what   toral democracies whose democratic
          Reinventing ‘Hope’                 Nkrumah  called a ‘triple  heritage,’   credentials are stronger in relation to
          In  order  to thwart  the “Hopeless-  it has also left a negative impact on   the holding of regular elections while
          ness”  misconception  portrayed by   African intellectual capacity to think   in between  and beyond  elections
          The  Economist,  the  current so-  independently unlike, say, the Asian   they suffer  enormous  democratic
          cio-economic  and social-political   intellectuals  and  political leaders   deficits. Such countries include Ni-
          deficits on the continent must there-  who have managed to retain strong   geria, Niger Republic, Lesotho, Ma-
          fore be faced squarely and their ori-  linkages to their traditions and cul-  lawi, Mozambique, Tanzania  and
          gins recognised if indeed we have to   tures.                         Zambia.  Third,  few  countries  fall
          move towards a new way of under-                                      within the 'fuzzy' category that schol-
          standing the impacts of our role in   Given our  present  situation, what   ars have referred to variously as grey
          continental as well as global issues.     does  it mean  to take  seriously  the   zone  democracy,  ambiguous  de-
          It is  indeed  important  to  acknowl-  thought  that cultural  politics  and   mocracy, pseudo-democracy, virtual
          edge  that it is through  epochs that   questions  of  culture,  of  discourse,   democracy,  electoral  authoritarian-
          we produce the contours and direc-  and  of metaphor  are  absolutely   ism or liberalized autocracy. Coun-
          tions of our thoughts and actions as   deadly political questions? My argu-  tries in this category have embraced
          well as the orientations and episte-  ment is that it is so.  Indeed one oth-  the political culture of regular mul-
          mes, which fashion the way we look   er reason why Africa is trailing other   tiparty elections.  The  fairness  and
          at the past and relate it to the future   regions is that the current crop of its   freeness of the electoral contest is of-
          through the present. That said, it has   leadership has managed to corrupt   ten questionable. The electoral gov-
          always been the position of the pro-  the very idea of ‘nation-building’ that   ernance does not ensure procedural
          gressive Pan-Africanist that freedom   was the song of the first generation   certainty and substantive uncertain-
          and emancipation of Africa are tied   of African leaders by creating polit-  ty.  Under this condition,  the elec-
          to the unification of the peoples of   ical divisions  based  on  ‘tribal’ dif-  tion becomes a façade behind which
          Africa. This  position  first outlined   ferences, which were very much the   authoritarianism thrives. Zimbabwe
          by Kwame  Nkrumah  in the book,    creation of colonial ‘divide and rule’   and Kenya fall under this category.
          ‘Africa Must  Unite’ is still fresh   ideologies of the imperialist powers.   Fourth, some of these countries are
          many decades later in the midst of a   The  current  political elites  in  Af-  affected  by dictatorship,  authoritar-
          changing world.                    rica have bought into this ideology   ianism,  closed  authoritarianism  or
                                             to  their  advantage,  a  heritage  that   unreformed  autocracy.  These  are
          Africa  today  is  trailing  the rest  of   has led to ethnic-cleaning and even   countries  that have not yet under-
          the world because in part the Afri-  genocides.  In  my  view,  we  cannot   gone  political transition  to multi-
          can  leadership  has  failed  to  mobi-  continue  to blame  these  calamities   party democracy. Some of them are
          lize communities along the lines of   on foreign forces alone. African po-  Libya, Angola, Democratic Repub-
          a Pan-African agenda that informed   litical and economic elites continue   lic of Congo (DRC) and Swaziland.
          the earlier phases of our political de-  to play an active role as agents in ca-  Rebuilding Africa’s Memory
          velopment. This is due to its weak   lamities that have bedeviled our con-  On a hopeful note, Africa appears
          ideological  base,  which instead of   tinent.    They  have  always  blamed   to be in a transitional political and
          drawing from our rich cultural her-  these problems on the ‘colonialists’   intellectual  stage  of  reforming  the
          itage is instead wedded to Western   and ‘imperialists’ while at the same   ‘new’ Africa to the ‘old’ Africa. Cen-
          ways  of  knowing  and  doing  things   time playing the role of executioners   tral to this process  of  reformation
                                             of our own communities.            is going  to be changing  Africans’

          42      |   Heal . restore . rebirth .  Afrika
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