Page 63 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 63


           Therefore the basic meaning of malawi is “tongues”

           in  old  Nyanja. In  the language,  flames  are  called              Father) in the book of Acts was as
           “tongues of fire” – that is, ‘malawi a moto’, and in                 tongues of fire, indicating the pres-
                                                                                ence  and  power  of  God  on  earth.
           short (nowadays) just malawi.                                        How amazing are these realities?

                                                                                The New Malawian President
               f there  is one  thing that  Afri-  The country is also nicknamed "The
               kans,  both ancient and  mod-  Warm Heart of Africa".            Very recently, there was a change of
               ern, have in common it is the   The  origin  of  the name  Malawi  is   administration in Malawi following a
          Iknowledge that names are very     a  bit uncertain; it was originally at-  re-run of the 2020 presidential elec-
          powerful  and  that  the meanings  of   tributed to the lake itself: Lake Ma-  tions in which the opposition leader,
          names  do  have  influences  on  the   lawi.  However, its origin is believed   Lazarus Chakwera, became the new
          bearers of such names and that in-  to  be  linked  to  the  ancient  King-  President.
          cludes  people  or  places.  And this   dom of Maravi which flourished in   I was glad and equally amazed watch-
          is very true, for even the Bible indi-  the area  in  the  15th  century AD;   ing a video where the new President
          cates the same. This is made evident   Maravi  being  an  old name  of  the   was speaking about his faith and be-
          in the way God gave or changed the   Nyanja people.  In  reality, Malawi   lief in God. It completely blew my
          names of many Bible characters. So   means ‘Fire flames’, evoking the ris-  mind and I am so encouraged about
          basically, names  are  like  spiritual   ing sun scintillating on the waters of   God's dealings with Malawi and the
          brands that tell of a person even be-  the lake.  This is clearly illustrated   entire  Afrikan  continent.  Let me
          fore you engage them.              on the country’s flag. However, an-  share  with you,  below,  a  transcrip-
          The names of places in Afrika also   other  online  source,  says  that the   tion of what he said in the video:
          have deep and powerful meanings,   origin of the word Malawi is not “a
          which  are  often  tied to  profound   bit uncertain” if you really know the   "My name is Lazarus Chakwera and
          spiritual  realities  and  the  activities   language.  In  the  Nyanja language   I come from  Malawi.  You  know,
          that happened in such places. And   “kulawa”  means  to taste. “Lirawi”   I look at myself and all that I have
          these, in turn, almost all the time, de-  (plural “malawi”) is that which tastes   become, as a result of grace. See, I
          fine the people in those places. Afri-  (i.e. the tongue). Therefore the basic   was born with some kind of impedi-
          kans are known for carrying names   meaning  of malawi is “tongues”  in   ment.  I couldn't talk  to people,  if
          that carry power and I am not talking   old Nyanja. In the language, flames   there  was  three, five  people, I  just
          about those worthless names that the   are called “tongues of fire” – that is,   shut down,  I wasn't  able to com-
          colonialists gave the Afrikan territo-  ‘malawi a moto’, and in short (nowa-  municate.  But God changed my
          ries that they divided among them-  days) just malawi.                whole life and future, after I had met
          selves; names that have no meaning   I am so amazed at the beauty of the   Him personally, and began to redi-
          except for their portrayal of the wick-  original name "kulawa" which means   rect my life toward ministry. I have
          edness of the hearts of the givers and   to taste and "Lirawi” (plural “ma-  seen  God's  grace,  I have  preached
          for how they sounded in their ears.  lawi”) and that it means tongues of   to  five,  I  have preached  to  fifty, I
                                             fire. This for me is highly prophetic   have  preached  to  five  thousand,  I
          About Malawi                       and  also  an  indication  of  the  next   have  preached to more  than  fifty
                                                                                thousand in a large stadium. It's just
          Malawi, officially the Republic  of   phase of Afrika as the place of au-  taken God's grace, there's no way I
          Malawi, is a land-linked country in   thority found in the tongue and in   could  have  ever  dreamed  that that
          southeast  Afrika  that was  formerly   the declaration and actions of truth.   was going to be possible. And more
          known as Nyasaland. It is bordered   Prior to doing the research for this   recently  I had to argue  with God
          by Zambia to the northwest, Tanza-  article, I had never  observed the   over  a direction  in life that  didn't
          nia  to the northeast, and  Mozam-  symbols  on  the Malawian  flag  and   seem natural to me and this is what
          bique on  the east, south  and west.   that they represent the rising sun. It's   led me to where I am now, where I
          The country is separated from Tan-  so interesting that both the sun and   am running for president of Malawi
          zania and Mozambique by Lake       the tongue  which Malawi  basically   and it was a struggle for me to make
          Malawi. Malawi  is over  118,000   means are three major spiritual sym-  that decision. Talked with God a lot,
          km²  with an  estimated  population   bols of authority and life. Life and   read the scriptures a lot and one day,
          of  more than 14,900,000.  Its capi-  death is in the power of the tongue,   God spoke to my heart and God was
          tal is  Lilongwe, which is  also  Ma-  without the sun (Son) there is no life   not saying, "I am pulling you out of
          lawi's largest city; the second largest   on  earth  and  the  manifestation  of   ministry," God was saying, "I am ex-
          is Blantyre and the third is Mzuzu.   the Holy Spirit (the Promise of the
                                                                                tending  your  ministry  so  that you

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 8 | SEPT/OCT 2020  63
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