Page 64 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 8
P. 64
are able to pastor a whole nation." I above statement, that is, President
said, "How is that possible?" And He Lazarus Chakwera, still has his hu- Words and imagery are powerful
began to talk to me about how He man nature and will certainly still and can both make or destroy a
had chosen Israel to be a nation that make his human errors in decisions, people's true reality. There are lots
would be an example of a relation- choices and judgment as concerns of foreign organizations that con-
ship between God and His people Malawi. But the statement is not tinuously run multi-million-dollar
and God was saying, "I want you to about the man, just as this article advertisement campaigns depicting
get in, I want you to get involved." on Malawi, is not really about the Afrika as poor, malnourished, cor-
It's been another point of grace in new president, but about the reality rupt, diseased, terrorists, unsafe etc.,
my life because I never dreamt, not found in God that Malawi will reveal but which are not true. But why do
for a day, that I would be running the grace of God found even in hu- they do it? They understand that he
for public office after I had been in man weakness and error. For it is who creates the image creates the
ministry all of my life. So to me re- this grace called the Christ, in rela- accepted norm about whatever they
ally, grace is spelt, Jesus. Grace is tionship with Malawi the sunrise of are trying to project through the im-
what the Lord has done in taking Afrika, that we celebrate and which age. And by doing this, Afrika is de-
and considering a person like my- has the power to give the accurate picted as a continent dependent on
self becoming part of God's family. strength for the actualization of this charity and aid, which in turn brings
I cannot claim or lay claim on any of new reality in Malawi. all manner of foreign charity orga-
the good things that have happened Meaning that writing about any na- nizations to Afrika, which are also
to me, that is grace to me because I tion in this column is not so much nothing but cartels through which
understand that I wouldn't be where about the current reality of that na- Afrika's natural resources are stolen.
I am or who I am if it had not been tion, which sometimes does not
for Jesus. So, grace is Jesus." directly reflect that which we are Now, all I am saying with this article
looking for, but about what we see is this, all the nations in Afrika, just
For a non-believer in Christ, this in hope that can manifest in that na- like Malawi, have names, purposes
statement by the President of Ma- tion. and destinies which define who they
lawi may not make much sense, but really are outside of what the global
for someone who knows that there Afrika, the tongue and sunrise "evil men" want it to be for their own
is an Afrika that must be emanci- of change selfish gain. And because there is
pated and that, that emancipation is I can't begin to tell you how much power and authority in the tongue to
only possible through the grace that the team behind this magazine be- create new realities just like sun rise
comes through alignment with the lieves in Afrikan solutions for global creates a new day in the morning,
mind and will of God, it will make problems. It is so clear and strong Afrikans must now begin to deliber-
sense and also give a clear indica- in our hearts that the Afrika that will ately create their own image of a true
tion of where Afrika has come to in change the narrative of the world is and healthy Afrika, outside of that
the overall plan of God for her. A here and we are part of it. So we re- poor and malnourished box that we
plan which, as the name and flag of joice at every new thing that God is have been placed in for decades.
Malawi indicates, is for Afrika to be allowing to come up in Afrika. That what God voiced over Afrika
the sunrise that gives life through the at the beginning would be made evi-
authority found in the tongue that There are lots of creation stories dent for all to see.
speaks life that demonstrates the from various tribes and cultures in
power of God over Afrika. Afrika and they are all beautiful, If you are paying attention, you will
I know there are those who think even though they differ in some as- notice that fresh attention is being
Afrika cannot rise above the usual pects. But one thing they all have in paid to Afrika right now globally and
tendency to fail but you will be sur- common is that earth and everything more Afrikans are beginning to lend
prised about the number of Afrikans in it was created by the Words of the their voices to the fight for the eman-
that have succeeded in their endeav- Creator. And that's why the Egyptian cipation of Afrika. The sunrise and
ors and the numbers of those who Medu Neter (Ancient Egyptian Hi- the tongue of Afrika can no longer
are rising to take up spaces that were eroglyphs) means "Words of God". be hidden or silenced, but the ques-
never possible for Afrikans to have The language is not a spoken one tion is, are you as an Afrikan ready
before now. but that which uses symbols and im- to lend your voice to the struggle and
ages of nature (i.e. creation) as text. also shine your light?
The man himself who made the
64 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika