Page 32 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 32
And to give you a good example, this is why there is more
Covid in the US, which is a first-world country, and yet in a those indigenous vegetables. All
third world country like Kenya, we have much less Covid. To these according to western cultures,
come closer home, that’s why there’s more Covid in South which in many ways are alien to our
Afrikan ways of living, are consid-
Afrika than in Kenya, why? They’re using more of that gly- ered weeds. So Roundup was found
phosate, that Roundup and they’re eating foods that are more very effective and easily used less
processed, that have GMOs. That’s another factor. labor to do away with a huge space
within a very short time. What we
forgot was that not only did it kill
going down. which was more in yield and also the weeds, it also killed the micro-
it was healthy and free from these organisms– it also destroys the life
We don’t want to go that route be- chemical toxins. within the soil’s texture and the soil
cause then it destroys the soil pretty dies.
much permanently. Then, of course, We are hearing more cas-
if you do that, you can’t achieve es of cancer in connection If you plant maize seed in that kind
food security. of soil, you will need the fertilizers
with Roundup and not only from the factory which have potas-
Are policy-makers sensi- in the US but in Kenya as sium, nitrogen, phosphorous, which
tive to the issue of organic well. Do you think that there feed the root system of the plant as
farming versus chemical are some policy-makers it kills any little life that was left in
agriculture? And how are who are willing to go back the soil. It’s a vicious cycle.
they responding? to the traditional way? Who Then, of course, those toxins in the
Yes and no. You may not realize are actually actively pushing soil enter the root system, enter the
this, but policy-makers in Afrika are to save our bodies? plant, so when we eat those foods,
pretty much under the pressure and I am one of those persons among gradually, it affects our entire health,
the influence of these profit-making a team of many who has been from our gut system, it increas-
outside influences. I would say that sounding that warning and telling es allergies, causes cancer as you
they are aware, but what they are our policy-makers that, “Good mentioned, over time it’s particularly
doing is not good in the long-run people, you are slowly poisoning been associated with breast cancer
but they are, I think, “being black- your own peoples and we are truly, for women and prostate cancer for
mailed” by those forces who want to surely dying or getting hurt from men, brain cancers, liver cancers,
promote the agrochemical farming, these agrochemicals.” Especially that kidney cancers… many other forms
who want to sell their fertilizers, one you mentioned. That contains of cancers. And within that context
their agrochemicals because there is glyphosate, also known as Roundup, of Roundup, it’s not just the gly-
an increase in yield for the first 2-3 also known by many other names phosate which is the key, there are
years. including panga (machete), slasher, other inert components within that
which the local people love to use Roundup concoction that are more
But now, especially more recently because as far as they’re concerned, toxic than glyphosate. To the extent
with the experience of Covid, I it’s a harmless weed killer. that they are actually 10 to 100 times
think many of the policy-makers more toxic. Including formaldehyde,
are realizing that it’s good to stick It was even marketed for a long time arsenic dioxide, and those are the
to our old ways and our old ways that it’s safer than table salt and as ones that are 100% carcinogenic by
of growing foods, of course using something that you can drink and WHO classifications and they are
research to enhance productivity but with no consequences. Which of in our Roundup. The policy-makers
to minimize agrochemicals, exter- course is big misinformation. know this, the regulators know this
nal inputs. Before you did not need and they’re keeping quiet.
to buy organic fertilizers, because Now research has clearly shown
you used compost and manure and that when you spray that Roundup, If we continue using more and
mulching. Nature just provided for it doesn’t only kill the weeds but it more of these glyphosate-based
you right within the soil, within your kills anything else that it considers a chemicals herbicides and pesticides
compound. It was more affordable, weed. There goes your tsaga (spider our rates of cancer, diabetes, car-
more cost-effective to produce food, plant) your terere (amaranth), all diovascular diseases go up and we
32 | Heal . restore . rebirth . Afrika