Page 33 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 9
P. 33


          continue slowly killing ourselves. Of   selection and breeding, for example:   The companies that own the patents
          course, the healthcare costs will go   If two people from different com-  for GMOs are the same companies
          up; monies that we could have spent   munities marry, their offspring is a   that own the patents for glyphosate.
          for productive economic activities   hybrid. However, when you go to   They make money from the poison
          will go towards treatments and so   GMOs, they are genetically modi-  that is the agrochemical and they
          on. And to link it up to Covid-19   fied. The name itself says it, they are   make more money from the seeds
          obviously people who have more     man-made seeds, where, using lab   that are poisoned and they feed
          diabetes, more blood pressure and   technology, seeds of different variet-  you with that, they make you sick,
          more cancer are more susceptible to   ies sometimes plant and animals are   you get diabetes or cancer and then
          Covid-19, as you have seen all over   mixed together to achieve certain   their friends in the pharmaceutical
          the world.                         desired traits in the lab and then   industry make more money from
                                             released in the market to then grow.   you until you finally die. Is that
          And to give you a good example,                                       really fair?
          this is why there is more Covid in   The science is showing clearly that
          the US, which is a first-world coun-  they have horrendous negative   And then you go to the next
          try, and yet in a third world coun-  effects, both to the soil, to the other   generation.
          try like Kenya, we have much less   plant kingdom – if they are plants   Then you go to the next generation.
          Covid. To come closer home, that’s   – and to those of us who con-
          why there’s more Covid in South    sume them, they are being assailed   Now that you mention about the
          Afrika than in Kenya, why? They’re   with cancers again. Some of those   next generation, the latest research,
          using more of that glyphosate, that   GMOs are designed specifically not   published in Nature, which is a
          Roundup and they’re eating foods   to die from glyphosate. So, clearly,   world top recognized magazine has
          that are more processed, that have   these are monster kind of plants   shown that glyphosate – this is how
          GMOs. That’s another factor.       and you’re expected to eat them as a   evil this molecule is - this molecule
                                             meal and you’re supposed to be nor-  of Roundup, does not just affect
          And because of that, when Covid    mal after that abnormal encounter.  you and me right now it affects
          comes, it finds their immune sys-  Quite frankly, on a serious note,   you and me to our third and fourth
          tems weak and puts them down.      we’re seeing that correlation right   generation of offspring. The toxins
          Sometimes doesn’t just put them    now in the US. The US is GMO       from glyphosate affect your DNA,
          down, puts them off completely.    country, Brazil is GMO country,    get stored in your DNA, passed on
          That’s absolutely awful. We have   South Afrika is GMO country,       to your first generation, they may
          enough problems in Afrika as it is.  what do they have in common with   not manifest, but a second third and
                                             Covid-19? They have much higher    fourth generation will suffer from
          You mentioned GMOs sep-            cases of Covid-19.                 malformations, from cancers and
          arately from hybrid seeds,                                            from damages of DNA that they
          so what are GMOs?                  Where there is GMO there is gly-   inherited from their grandmother or
                                             phosate, almost always. 80% of the
          That’s an interesting question and   global market or supply of GMOs   grandfather. This is published sci-
          in different forums, I have asked   or what they call herbicide-toler-  ence. To the extent that the predic-
          that question and people think that   ant, they are designed to use more   tions are that the fourth generation,
          GMOs and hybrids are the same      glyphosate, so those who produce   from a reproductive point of view,
          thing. Actually, they are as far as the   glyphosate are making more money.   will not be productive; will be sterile.
          sun is from the moon or as the east                                   Because, among other areas, it also
          is from the west.  One is the prod-                                   affects the reproductive ability of
                                                                                human beings.
                    uct of natural
                                                                                              This is mind-bog-
                                                                                                 gling, even for
                                                                                                  me as a physi-

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 9 | NOV/DEC 2020   33
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