Page 18 - Surrender - Don't Just Live
P. 18
heart, motive and plan. I have found that this has not changed since.
This is the True North.
Recently, I came to the revelation on how to have a thriving garden by
simply looking at how God has done it for millennia, without coming
down to till the earth… ; nothing complicated. I have found Him to be
simple in His complexity. How? By simply understanding the Principle
or Law behind it and making it work for you. The law of gravity existed
from the beginning; do you agree? And whether or not Isaac Newton
had named it, it would still apply. The same goes for Ohm’s law. It was
there all along, but it became effectual when we tapped into it and start-
ed enjoying the beautiful world that is made possible by electricity.
Now Faith Is… (present continuous tense) the substance of things
hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (because they are in the spir-
itual). But without faith it is (not difficult but) impossible to please
Him: for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is
a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him. This is the very foundation
of what Faith is in the Bible. This is why He taught us to pray for things
to be done on earth as it is in heaven. In other words, that He manifests
the things that we ask of Him the way they were always supposed to be
from the beginning, which is how they are in heaven.
Allow me to paint a bit of the picture here: when you think of your
current state, do you see yourself struggling to believe that God loves
you? Do you see yourself struggling to believe that you have EVERY-
THING you need as, when and how you need it? Do you see yourself
struggling to understand that your needs are met as, when and how He
chooses to give to/provide for you? Do you see yourself struggling with
1 Watch Back to Eden by Paul Gautschi on YouTube.
2 Hebrews 11
3 Mathew 6:10