Page 193 - A People Called Afrika
P. 193
The Lessons From Covid-19 For Afrika
als or massive manpower base, but is actually more about her
spiritual raw materials and what will happen when these are re-
fined and put to God-use. What Afrikans tend to forget is this,
Afrika has always been spiritually connected to the Creator,
God, and because of this and despite the massive erosion in
culture, we still know that we are created beings with an eternal
destiny in God. Afrika is eternally connected to the Divine plan
of God, having provided shelter and life to the nation Israel
i.e. through Abraham, Joseph and later Jacob and the rest of
his 11 sons from whence the nation was incubated and birthed
in Egypt. Through providing shelter to the young Messiah
when Herod sought to kill Him, through providing aid to the
Messiah via the shoulders of Simon the Cyrene in bearing His
Cross to Golgotha, through crucifying Him in spiritual Egypt,
through carrying the redemptive message via the Ethiopian
eunuch and bearing Him up once again in these end times.
We are the beginning and the end of things in the story of man on
earth. That’s what Afrika must get in order to get her act in order.
The Afrika opportunity in Covid-19
While the crisis did expose the soft under-belly of Afrika’s
true socio-economic state, it also presented her with great op-
portunities to shift things in a dramatically different direction.
Some of the things exposed were the glaring financial needs of
the majority of Afrikans, as seen in daily wage and low-income
earners who make up the majority in Afrikan countries. This
dearth is actually what led to some countries not going into full
lockdown mode, because there would have been no way to pro-
vide for those who live on a fixed daily income. Some nations
in Afrika chose to distribute food to those who were in dire
straits and while some managed to do so in an orderly fashion,