Page 11 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 11

        David and Sharon Jones’  walk  interview her about it. Three days  meeting,  David  and  Sharon  were
        has  been  a  walk  of faith  that  later, David heard God instruct  married in  a  beautiful  ceremony
        carries with it so much refreshing  him  to  go  back  to  her  house,  in  on a sandbar in the Indian Ocean
        and  encouragement.  David  is  the  hot midday coastal  sun, with  along  Kenya’s  beautiful  coastline,
        a counseling psychologist  and  not  even  twenty  Shillings  to use  and their marriage has become a
        lecturer with  a  local university  to take a pikipiki (motorbike) or a  beacon in many different ways. It
        and  Sharon, a PhD  in  Zoology,  tuktuk (tricycle). When he arrived,  took faith, courage and sacrifices
        teaching  ecology, environment  she wasn’t there, but her landlady,  for them to both leave what they
        and technical writing at the same  a vessel used by God, tracked her  knew and come together for God’s
        university as David.                down and  he  went  to join  her  at  purposes alone.
        “Being  surrendered,” is  how Dave  the restaurant where she was, just  Asked  about  cultural  challenges
        begins,  describing  their  journey  around the corner from her house.  and differences, David and Sharon
        with God,  “being  surrendered  A  two-hour interview  turned  into  share  some of the  challenges
        takes  out all  the  anxiety. We just  a personal conversation  and six  they have faced in an intercultural
        have this  daily  joy of knowing  hours of beautiful  fellowship,  marriage,        often   coming    up
        that  no  matter what  we’re  going  David  heard  the  Lord  say  in  his  against  blatant  discrimination
        through, God is with us. Even if it  heart, “She’s the one”, after which  and  even  outright  hostility  both
        is the fire, even if it is the valley, it’s  he  walked  her home  God also  from Africans  and  Americans
        going to be okay. We’ll have victory  confirmed  this  to  Sharon  in  her  alike. Although there was the one
        in whatever presents itself.”       own special, beautiful  way. And  Kenyan guy who congratulated her
        Almost two years  ago,American  they both submitted to God’s plan  on getting a Mzungu (Caucasian),
        David Jones  took a leap  of faith,  for their lives.                   saying that she had done well for
        choosing to follow  a nudging  in  For a  little  while,  it  seemed  as  herself.  God really  does  have  a
        his heart to come to Kenya to help  though this  budding  relationship  sense  of humor,  ensuring  they
        a Kenyan sister out with a project  and the  word which God had  met in Mtwapa, which is a locale
        in Mombasa. That decision was to  spoken was in jeopardy, because  well  known for  ‘slay queens’
        be the key that would unlock both  David’s  time  in  Kenya  was cut  and  prostitution,  but  when  God
        his and Sharon’s destinies in ways  short  abruptly and  he  was  going  is  determined  to make  your life
        more profound than either of them  to have  to go back to the  US,  speak, He will do it in grand style.
        could have known.                   whereas  Sharon was moving to  “I definitely get a lot more attention
        Through the most divine of ways,  Nairobi, he says, “but by that time  now just  by  the  fact  that  my
        God caused  David to completely  Sharon and I knew something was  husband  is  white,”  says  Sharon.
        surrender  himself  and  his  will  up.” To Sharon, “Right? Something  “I’ll  get  stared  at.  In  shagz  (the
        entirely  to God one night  while  special was taking place.”  (Sharon  village)  it  was just  insane.  That
        he  was  staying  in  Mtwapa.  He  nods, saying  “”Mmhmm”)  But  if  was the breaking ground for me to
        was watching a video of Dr Tumi  we weren’t  being  surrendered  just stop caring because I knew we
        singing  “All  of me”. In  a moment  we would have been in a state of  would be  like  a  beacon wherever
        of complete  brokenness  and  angst  and  questioning  and  like  we go.”
        vulnerability  before God, Dave  ‘no this can’t be right, you’re going  But these challenges haven’t fazed
        found himself  letting  go of  back  to  California  she’s  going  to  them; instead, they have bolstered
        everything God wanted him to, and  Nairobi how could she be the one?  their  determination  to stick to
        agreeing to totally embrace God’s  But before we left we just gave it all  what God has shown them of each
        will and plan for his life. And just  to God again. And then within two  other and face the journey ahead
        two weeks later, God arranged for  weeks of being home, I got invited  trusting  in  the  One  Who brought
        him and Sharon to meet. David  back to Kenya as a guest lecturer.  them together.
        needed to move out of the cottage  What? I’m going to Nairobi? And  Sharon goes on to add, “… I guess
        he was staying in and had gone to  that’s  where  Sharon  is?  It’s  like  I  we’re there to shock and  disturb
        view a house, which Sharon just  was  just  being  picked  up (grabs  at  the  same time  but it’s  really
        happened  to be vacating. A brief  his head with his hand) and placed  interesting and it shows the heart.
        chat helped him find out a little bit  right back here.”                It really shows, you see the hearts
        about her work and he wanted to  And so, within 3 months of their first  of people  by  the  time  they’re

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