Page 16 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 16

                                                                                subjects.  Zulu chiefs  demanded
                                            sought, to communicate with the     steadily increasing tribute or taxes
                                            ancestors and to also use natural   from their vassals, acquired great
                   he  word  iZulu  means  herbs  and  prayers  to resolve  the   wealth, commanded large armies,
                   ‘Heaven’    and    the  problem. Ancestors are  implored     and,  in  many  cases,  subjugated
                   amaZulu, the  people,  through  offerings  and  sacrifices   neighboring  chiefdoms. Military
                   are known as  the  at key times such as birth, puberty,      conquest was the  tool of growth
        T‘people             of   heaven’   marriage and  death  using home-    and  military  prowess,  the  tool  of
        and  where  they  live  KwaZulu  brewed  beer and  slaughtered          self-promotion. These changes
        ‘the  place  of  Heaven’.  That’s  the  animals. Contact with ancestors is   set the stage for the warrior-king,
        kind  of naming  that  invites  the  for blessings, good luck, guidance   Shaka,  to conquer all the disparate
        imagination  to  soar.  The  Zulu  and assistance.                      groups and unite them as one. A
        people do not disappoint. Known                                         Zulu  nation  with  broad  regional
        for their  rich  culture,  powerful  The Zulu people were not always    influence that weakened after his
        expressive  dance, beautiful  and  one  nation,  before  the  time  of   death.
        intricate  beadwork with  hidden  Shaka kaSenzangakhona or Shaka
        messages,  strong  fighting  spirit,  The  Zulu,  they  lived  in  isolated   The  British  invasion  brought
        among others,  they  played  a  key  family groups and partly nomadic   division into the Zulu nation, which
        role in the history of South Africa  northern  Nguni  groups which      was  further  impaired  by a  spate
        and continue to do so today.        moved  around  loosely  defined     of natural  disasters  in  the  late
                                            territories in search of game and   1800s  forcing the  men  to seek
        The Zulu are a Bantu people and  grazing  for  their  cattle.  The  men   employment in the railway and the
        their  language group,  isiZulu, a  were  traditionally  the  warriors   mines.  Harsh  terms  of  colonial
        part of the Nguni language group,  and  protectors  of  their  homes    rule  and  a  failed  uprising  forced
        the  largest  of the  four  major  and  the  women were  involved  in   many more Zulu, men and women,
        language  groups in  South  Africa,  farming and  domestic  activities.   into the  workforce. Later, the
        the other three are the Sotho, the  Their  homesteads  consisted  of    apartheid  government  introduced
        Shangaan-Tsonga and the Venda.  an  extended  family  and  others       homelands,    which    eventually
        Of the Nguni, there are four distinct  attached to the household through   led  to  the  establishment  of the
        groupings:  the  Southern  Nguni,  social obligations. But this began   Zulu homeland of KwaZulu, later
        who speak Xhosa, the Swazi, the  to change by the late 18th century,    merged  with  Natal  province  to
        Ndebele  and  the  Northern and  with the emergence of chiefdoms        become KwaZulu-Natal.  Which  is
        Central Nguni who speak Zulu.       and a shift away from pastoralism   interesting because, Natal means
        The  Bantu  speaking  groups,  to more organized statehood,             ‘the place or time of one’s birth’...
        from whom  the  Nguni  were  with  compelled  allegiance  from          so KwaZulu-Natal could be taken
        birthed,  migrated    from   East   conquered    chiefdoms.    These    to  mean  the  place  of  Heaven:
        Africa recently,  in  about  the  chiefs demanded tribute from their    the  place or time  of one’s  birth.
        11th  Century  -  similarities  in  subjects  and  began  to  acquire   Interesting.
        language  today  confirm  this. The  wealth,  command armies  and
        interconnectedness  of Africa  is  subjugate neighboring chiefdoms      Dance has  been  a major  feature
        powerfully evident.                 to their rule.                      in  Zulu culture  and  is  usually
                                                                                performed    during    traditional
        Although many of the Zulu  By  the  late  eighteenth  century, a        ceremonies,   accompanied      by
        converted to Christianity during the  process of political consolidation   singing and sometimes drumming.
        colonial period, it is said that some  among the groups was beginning   Traditionally  these  dances  were
        still hold to their traditional belief  to take  place. A number of     performed before a hunt or before
        systems,  resulting  in  a mixture  powerful  chiefdoms began  to       battle,  to showcase one’s  role
        between    the   two.   Ancestral   emerge and a transformation         and  position  in  society  and  for
        spirits  are regarded as  important  from a pastoral society to a more   weddings.
        in  traditional  Zulu religious  life,  organized nationhood occurred.
        who they believe mediate on their  This  enabled  leaders  to wield     Zulu beadwork is  a beautiful
        behalf  with  UMveliqangi  (the  one  more  authority  over  their  own   illustration of the cultural dynamic
        who came first) on behalf of those  supporters  and  to  force  loyalty   of this  African tribe.  The  Zulu
        still alive. It is also said that bad  from  conquered chiefs.  Changes   use  their  colorful  beadwork
        luck and illness are considered to  took place  in  the  nature  of     to   communicate      with   one
        have been sent by an angry spirit  political,  social,  and  economic   another.  The  white  beads  only
        and when this happens, the help of  links  between  chiefs  of these    communicate  spiritual  purity and
        a  sangoma (traditional  healer)  is  emerging  power  blocs and their   love, while all the other colors have

    16                                 HEALING - RESTORING - REBIRTHING - AFRICA
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