Page 17 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 1
P. 17

        a  dual  meaning  which  is  either
        positive or negative in nature. The
        main  shape  used  in  the  pattern
        work is a triangle. Each point of the
        triangle stands for father, mother
        and child. The position of the tip or
        the  triangle  (up or  down) speaks
        of gender  (female  or male)  and
        various combinations  speak  of
        marital  status  per gender  (single
        or married  man  or woman),  the
        state  of their  union, joy and  pain
        and so on.

        It is said that the Zulu believe human
        beings are the most superior of all
        species  and  therefore  the  belief
        in Ubuntu or a life of compassion,
        goodness  and  kindness  one  to
        another  recognizing  that  there
        is  a  shared bond connecting
        humanity.  (In  Shona, this  word  is
        unhu, in Kiswahili, this word is Utu
        or compassion)
        Nothing in our world is accidental,                      Zulu Cultural dance by Milan Josipovic
        especially  as it  relates  to how
        men are created and formed into
        nations,  tongues and  tribes  by                                                  Our Thoughts
        God. It is important for each one
        to know the reason why God made
        them the way He did, placed them    According to scriptures, there is a strong connection between nations, tribes and
        in  the  nation,  tribe  or  tongue  He   tongues of the earth - and redemption and by extension, worship. Revelation 7 gives
        did and by aligning to that reason,   a sneak view into the real reason why God made the earth a collection of nations,
        a true reason to live will emerge.   tribes, tongues and people. Both His salvation and redemption plan was based on this
                                            reality and the eternal worship and service before His throne will also comprise of this.
        So to the Zulu people, our prayer   With this in mind, how must every nation, tribe and tongue on the earth realize that
        for you at Msingi Afrika Magazine,   they are uniquely made and set in their unique regions for an eternal purpose, with no
        is  for  a true return to being  the  superior tribe or inferior race, and how by that realization live their lives with humility
        people  of  Heaven  through  a  true  before  God, knowing  that  there  is  an  eternal  purpose which  awaits  each one?
        and  deep  powerful connection
        with  God the  Creator of All. That
        your warrior spirit would be used
        by the Kingdom of God for  the
        glory of the King of kings who is                 WHAT’S ABOUT AFRICA
        Jesus, the Eternal.
                                                Of a fact, men, nations and kingdoms have been coming to Africa through
                                                the ages. Some for good agendas and some, for the benefit of ravaging this
                                                continent of her goodness. But we in Msingi Afrika Magazine believe that
                                                there is a God-reason for everything that happens on earth, which includes
       Courtesy of aha Shakaland Hotel & Zulu Cultural Village, SA  continent? Is it her Zebras, Lions, Mountains, Waterfalls, Food, Riches, or
                                                the terrible things done to this continent of Africa and her people. In this
                                                generation, one of the biggest economic sectors for Africa is tourism. But
                                                the question is, what really is it about Africa that brings people to this

                                                is there something more deeper spiritually that attracts people to her?
                                                 Share your thoughts with us, use the contact below.


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