Page 41 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 41


              Whoever controls the images, controls your                        an airport while on a trip and then

              self-esteem and self-development. Whoever                         the  immigration  officials  or  cus-
                                                                                toms officers see my green passport
                controls the history, controls the vision -                     and then instantly think there must

                              Dr. Leonard Jeffries                              be some criminal thing in me  be-
                                                                                cause  my  passport  says  NIGERIA.
               n as much as I  would like  to   great) but as a reality of the true Ni-
               one day  be able to use  the   geria, that is, those whose purpose is   You can't understand how  embar-
               name Afrikan  on  my docu-    to spearhead both spiritual and phys-  rassed  that  makes  you feel  inside
          Iments, instead of just Nigerian,   ical things in Afrika and beyond. So   to know that someone who has no
          where I am from, I will today speak   I will both speak to the Nigeria that   clue about who you are, where you
          to  my  Nigerian brothers,  sisters,   is a name, which has been tarnished   have been, what you do, what your
          mothers  and fathers,  as a Nigerian.  globally by  all manner of criminal   ideology about life is, upon  seeing
                                             attribute,  through the various nefar-  you  for  the  first  time,  thinks  you
          Clearly,  my  words will  hurt  some     ious  activities  of some  Nigerians.  I   are a criminal  simply  because  you
          people who will see this as backlash,   will also speak to the Nigeria that is   are from a particular country called
          it may offend some who think no one   a reality in the hand of God which   Nigeria  in  Afrika. Nothing stabs
          has the right to talk about the good   was given the  mandate to trigger   a precious  heart  more than that.
          of Nigerians and to some, my words   and  spearhead  great things in  Afri-
          will be what can help them see a new   ka and beyond. But in both cases, I   In fact,  it  becomes  even  more an-
          side of how to  be true Nigerians.  am also speaking to all Afrikans both   noying and  painful when God
                                             home and abroad. For we all know   sends  you as His servant to  go
          I am not one that sits on my behind   that, even though the name Nigeria   to  an Afrikan  country  to  declare
          watching things  go the  wrong  way   is sweet in the mouth of many peo-  a  word for  Him over that nation
          and then keeps silent about how to   ple in regard to crime, crime is not   and  then you are still  treated as a
          make amends. But  as always, I will   unique to Nigerians, but to all who   criminal  at the borders  simply be-
          not try to make corrections without   by their own choices, commit crime.  cause  your  passport says  Nigeria.
          the  spirit of compassion and love.
          For I believe that it is only a fool that   The narrative of  criminal Ni-  Oh my goodness! I cannot begin to
          corrects in others what he thinks he   gerians                        tell you how many times, because of
          knows about them, yet without the   As a Nigerian myself and one who   how  I was treated maliciously at air-
          spirit of love, compassion and kind-  grew  up in Nigeria, I have  never   ports that I felt like the three disciples
          ness that will help him see clearly in   been involved in any form of crime   of Jesus who wanted to call down fire
          order  to make accurate  judgment.   or criminality. I have never smoked   against Samaria,  because  they were
          For even Jesus said that  each man   any kind of thing people smoke, nev-  not received  as servants  of Jesus.
          must  remove the  log in their own   er been to night clubs or brothels, I   But clearly, I am of a different spirit.
          eyes  in order to  see  clearly  to  re-  don't know what cocaine, heroine or
          move the speck in the eyes of others.  any other drugs look like, except for   But  the question  is this. Why
                                             maybe as I see it in movies. I have   and where  did  this  stench called
          The Nigerian story                 never had any reason to fight anyone   CRIME come  to  be  attribut-
          They  say  that  when  the  purpose   on the streets. In fact, almost never   ed  to Nigerians and how  many
          of a thing is not known, abuse be-  had any reason to get into the nor-  of the  stories are actually  true?
          comes  inevitable. This has always   mal sibling fights with my brothers
          been the case both  with material   while growing up. I have never sto-  I do not  know  its  beginning  nor
          things  and even  between  people.  len anybody's property or malicious-  how it escalated to become what it
                                             ly  destroyed  other  people's  things   is today, but I do know that a hun-
          I do not need any permission from   for whatever reason. I have  lived   dred nations and more of the world
          anyone both to know  and also to   my entire forty-something years life   cannot be wrong about the criminal
          boldly say  that to be  a Nigerian is   within the ideals, honor and integri-  activities of some Nigerians... and I
          one of the  most  honorable thing   ty instilled into me by my late Pastor   also know that it is not possible for
          bestowed upon the  people of that   Dad and my retired School Teacher   all Nigerians to be criminals. If that
          land. Not as it relates to Nigeria as   Mum. So you will  understand my   were not so, there wouldn't be the
          a name  (whose  meaning is  not so   pain  and discomfort  when I get  to   massive  numbers  of Nigerians  that

          WWW.MSINGIAFRIKAMAGAZINE.COM                                            ISSUE 10 JAN/FEB 2020    41
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