Page 46 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 46
more than Nigerians because of the ing both within Afrika and outside uncontrollable.” I have even heard it said
Nollywood movies you watch and of Afrika. that Nigerians are inherently anti-demo-
then turn back to say Nigerians are But as a positive thinker, here is cratic and autocratic...
criminals. Are you kidding yourself? what I think is also happening to the
Nigerians and which I believe is a Finally, he said
A new Nigerian culture? good thing. There is what happens "Nigeria played a key role in pushing Chi-
Sometimes it's very hard to change to the mind of a person or people na to stem racist attacks against Africans
the common culture and norms of a who have been unjustly stereotyped. in Wuhan and other cities. The image of
people, especially when such people They begin to work harder than the Nigerian diplomat loudly berating Chi-
are not all out to make such changes. others to prove themselves contrary nese officials is one for the ages.
to what others think about them.
In this case, I am not saying Nigeri- And because natural laws say what While Ambassador Sarah Serem of
ans are not all out to make changes a man sows he reaps, it has become Kenya was cowering somewhere in Beijing
to whatever it is that is not accurate easy for Nigerians to top their game, tongue-tied and unwilling to confront the
in the public image, but that some- because they find themselves in the Chinese, the Nigerian diplomats protested
times, it's even hard to tell when place where they work doubly hard without fear.
someone is already musing change to erase stereotypes and by that they
and how best to lend a helping hand. always stand out. You do not have Those are the Nigerians I know. They
to look too far to see this reality will defend another Black person anywhere
There are things that certainly playing out. without fear and damn the consequences.
should be changed in the Nigerian I saw it at JFK in New York where a
social narrative, but there are a lot What others think Nigerian was almost arrested for defending
more that must be given the accurate I am very glad to know that the quest a Black woman who was being harassed by
strength to thrive. For instance, I will to retell the Nigerian story is not just a screening agent.
not agree for anyone to talk about coming from me alone. Others are
changing the boldness and confi- beginning to see what is true and That’s why Nigeria, not South Africa, is
dence of the average Nigerian simply real about the Nigerian narrative and Africa’s giant."
because it makes someone else feel are lending their voices to the same.
uncomfortable or simply because it It's a personal choice after all
makes others feel pressured to up So before I leave you, let me The choice to be the best we can be
their game. Is it not even pride for share an excerpt from an arti- can only be personal. No one can
anyone to hate the very person that is cle published in the Daily Nation make such choice for another. And
putting pressure on them to do bet- and written by Prof Makau Mu- that's why parents get the shocks of
ter? I think it is, as a matter of fact. tua, a Kenyan Professor of law. their lives when the kids that they
So concerning whatever is it that raised with good principles turn out
has to be changed in the Nigerian " I love Nigeria and Nigerians. I know I to be far from what they expect.
narrative, I think EndSars Move- may be in the minority, but if so, then I The kids simply made their choices,
ment has given a very good intro to am in a very proud minority. Like most howbeit, a good foundation for chil-
what new direction Nigeria is go- Black nationalities, Nigerians are the dren is still the best way to go.
ing. It may not be visible right now, victims of vicious stereotypes and racist
but it will happen and very soon. tropes... So, I choose to represent the Nige-
We – Black people – need to look deeply rian and Afrikan image in good light
I also think it's time Nigerians and into our souls and expunge, or excrete if and by that I take it upon myself
even the entire Afrika as a whole you will, our bilious hatred of Nigerians. each day to live right. So it's your
to began to celebrate the beauti- Then gang up on Whites and Asians to choice to make, either to see your-
ful things about themselves and force them to respect the humanity and self as a Nigerian, or if not, to see
then watch how the negatives dignity of Nigerians – and Nigeria, the Nigerians and your other Afrikan
will naturally die away. There is African global giant. brothers in good light or not. After
good and bad in every one of us, all, we are on the inside the very
but what we feed is what grows. I am sick of all Nigerian ethnic and racist thing we hate or love on the outside.
tropes. “Nigerians are born thieves.” And to him who is pure within, all
The good side of the stereotype “Nigerians are congenital conmen.” “Ni- things are pure without.
It is very clear to me that Nigerians gerians are inherently cheats.” “Nigerians
have become victims of stereotyp- are unreliable, shifty, violent, pushy, loud, Hotep.
46 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika