Page 50 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
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orientation, the shape and form of a take on the titles Afu Ra and Afu The Egyptian Ra and Rait for us, rep-
baby in a womb, surrounded by water Rait.” This, according to his article resents the reality of God the creator and
or amniotic fluid (see picture above). is the origin of Afrika, or the “land the creative Spirit of God (His Female
of the Creator” or the “Divine land.” side) that hovered over the primordial wa-
This is powerfully representative of ters and Who gave structure to the Word
new life growing, shielded, nurtured The connection of the description of that allowed creation to emerge. This
and incubated, being prepared to be Afrika as the ‘high-land/raised land/ thought is clearly strengthened by Proverbs
revealed to the world at an opportune mountain’ and the ‘soul’ to the two 8:22-31 in which this Creative Spirit of
time, which is in line with Afrika’s meduts both of which carry the rep- God is called Wisdom and She is Female.
destiny as a continent and as a people. resentation of the two arms reach-
ing upward, ties powerfully to Psalm “The Lord possessed me in the beginning
Odwirafo’s article states that the world 68:31 which speaks of Afrika’s role of his way, before his works of old.
was formerly covered by water and goes and purpose and destiny in these end I was set up from everlasting, from the
on to describe the first raised land mass times. It says, in the KJV, “Princes beginning, or ever the earth was.
that emerged from beneath the waters shall come out of Egypt; Ethiopia When there were no depths, I was
by the workings of the creative life shall soon stretch out her hands unto brought forth; when there were no foun-
force, saying “The masculine term for: God.” Egypt and Ethiopia are clearly tains abounding with water.
raised land, high land, exalted land, Afrika, thus, Afrika’s prophetic pur- Before the mountains were settled, before
hill, mountain in the language of Ka- pose is to swiftly turn to God in sur- the hills was I brought forth:
mit (ancient Egypt) is Ka (kah).” He render and worship, to be envoys to the While as yet he had not made the earth,
explains that the term for soul is also world of God’s gospel, as well as to be nor the fields, nor the highest part of the
Ka and that the medut (hieroglyphic the mountain of the Lord’s house (i.e. dust of the world.
symbol) for ‘soul’ is a representation the land of the Creator or the Divine When he prepared the heavens, I was
of two arms reaching upward. The me- land) to which men will flow in order there: when he set a compass upon the face
dut for ‘high land/exalted land/raised to worship God and learn of God. of the depth:
land/mountain’ is a drawing of an in- Raised hands also speak of authority When he established the clouds above:
dividual standing with two arms reach- and dominion over things and forces. when he strengthened the fountains of the
ing upward. He says, “The two arms deep:
representing ka/soul are the same two The story of Moses raising his hands in the When he gave to the sea his decree, that
arms of the individual who is reaching battle between Israel and the Amalekites the waters should not pass his command-
upward in the metut for ka (qa)/high sheds light on this. (See Exodus17:9-11) ment: when he appointed the foundations
land. The term Ka (Qa) is also defined Furthermore, there is no conflict at all of the earth:
in the language of Kamit as: the land between Odwirafo’s claim and what the Then I was by him, as one brought up
above the banks of the river; the high Christian Bible records about how the with him: and I was daily his delight,
ground upon which the Deity of Cre- earth was made. Genesis 1:2 says “And rejoicing always before him;
ation first stood.” The article speaks the earth was without form, and void; and Rejoicing in the habitable part of his
of a male and female deity called Ra darkness was upon the face of the deep. earth; and my delights were with the sons
and Rait in the Kemetic language, And the Spirit of God moved upon the of men.” (KJV)
which are described as the creative life- face of the waters.” And also Genesis
force and Af/Afu as flesh or house or 1:9 “And God said, Let the waters un- Taking all these aspects and elements into
chamber. The article states: “When der the heaven be gathered together unto account, and incorporating the various an-
Ra and Rait first moved through the one place, and let the dry land appear: thropological findings in Afrika over time,
primordial hill, the Ka/Kait to make and it was so.” “Deep” in the sense in one can clearly see that Afrika is an origin
it vibrant, to give it life, the Ka/Kait, which it was used in the Bible is not just land. A place where life started, where life
the raised land, became the house or about the depth of the waters from which is incubated, where life is nurtured, where
place of residence for Ra and Rait. the land was called, it is much more about life is strengthened by the Creator’s very
It is for this reason that Ra and Rait the universal womb or the cosmic space. Life Force and a place from which life itself
50 | Heal . Restore . Rebirth . Afrika