Page 49 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 49
Samuel Phillips is a writer,
podcaster, photographer,
song writer and singer. makes us Afrikans. We have swal- called Afrika “Af-Rui-Ka.” It means
As a content creator, he is passion- lowed very deeply other people's the opening of Ka. Afri like Afro
ate about creating a better image and opinions and narratives about us means ‘black’ and Ka means ‘soul’
positive narrative about Afrika. and according to what they project- or ‘spirit’. It also means the place of
ed to us. We have created a false reality for ourselves and by that, birth and, according to some other in-
we are not living our best lives as a terpretations; Afrika also means the
people so blessed of God. place of the placenta. Technically, this
would suggest that Afrika means the
I am very aware that when one men- land of the blacks that is the womb of
tions the topic of re-defining the spirit or soul. That is the land of life.
Afrikan image and identity, people
quickly think you are talking about Another explanation is found in
idol worshiping, houses on trees,
unkempt hair and beard, animal “Afuraka/Afuraitkait: The Origin
skins and the other mindless things of the Term Africa” by Odwirafo
that are attributed to Afrika and Kwesi Ra Nehem Ptah Akhan.
To start off, he suggests that the
As a media organization, we have proper orientation of Afrika is with
talked about the Afrikan identity the south as the “head-land”, the
severally in various issues of this
e who controls the nar- magazine, in our book and also in west as the “right” and the east as
ratives around your life our YouTube videos. But because the “left” (see images below) N.B.:
and existence, controls words are seeds and they grow, we Afuraka/Afruaitkait is, according
Hyour identity and he will continue to reiterate our goal to Odwirafo, the original masculine/
who controls your identity controls of turning the hearts of Afrikans feminine forms of the name Afrika.
your life's reality. This is as true and back to their true identity. And, just
real as it can be irrespective of what maybe, someday, however how long
you think or believe as true. it will take, someone will realize the
many lies we have been given to live
If you are open in your mind to out for years and by that make a
what is going on in the global media change.
in relation to the Afrikan narrative,
you will see the deliberate push by The Afrikan identity
these global media houses to keep I will use an excerpt from the book I
the negative, terrorist, poverty, chaos co-authored with my wife titled: "A
and crime narrative about Afrika People Called Afrika: Rebuilding the The resultant form of Afrika is, per
going on. And you may also not Afrika of Our Dreams", to make my Odwirafo’s description, “similar to
have thought about it, these nega- point about re-alignment with our
tive narratives peddled by the global original identity as Afrikans. that of the human heart, for Afura-
media do have a strong influence ka/Afuraitkait is the heartland of
on how Afrikans both home and "The true Afrika was beautiful- the world. It reflects the shape of the
abroad think about themselves and ly crafted from the very beginning of Ka or Kai medut (hieroglyph) mean-
also act among themselves. Howbeit things and this is clearly articulated in ing high land.” This orientation as
the entire problem of Afrika is not her name AFRIKA. The name Af- presented in the article aligns with a
external, but internally among the rika is a combination of two words vision that Samuel was once given,
Afrikans themselves.
Afri and Ka. Other indigenous peo- where the entire continent of Afrika
One of the major problems we have ple of Afrika used the name “Afri” was before him, with the northernmost
in Afrika is that we have mostly lost or “Ifran”. The ancient language of part at his feet, and what was the top
our identity as a people. We have Mizraim/Kemet (Ancient Egypt) of the continent being the south of
lost the true definition of what Afrika. Samuel also sees in this same