Page 44 - Msingi Afrika Magazine Issue 10
P. 44


          were  all his own fault.  Concerning   been  arrested.  He  said that  some-  me. Which was very surprising to me
          his flight ticket, his office in Nairobi   one reported that I was involved in   because he was the one we were taken
          made some  mistakes  or  something   terrorism, money laundering and in-  to the moment we got to the station.
          like that, so the airline's system did   ternet fraud. I laughed. He was very   I went to the OCS (Officer in Charge
          not recognize his ticket. Concerning   surprised that while he was reading   of Station) to ask the same question.
          his credit card, he did not alert his   his charges, I was busy  laughing.   He said the very same thing that he
          bank in Nairobi that he was travel-  Eventually, for  whatever reason,   was not aware of who had called for
          ing, so he could not use it. But who   they  decided  to lock  us  up and we   my arrest.  It was like magic. Every
          did he insult and called useless for his   had to spend the night in the police   police officer in that section of the
          woes? Nigeria and Nigerians. In fact,   cell, which was the very first time in   station denied having any knowledge
          the article was titled "Lagos woes".   both of our entire lives. It was such   of who had called for our arrest or
          You see  what  I mean? Let  me  ask   an unusual situation that the officer   why. Someone overheard one of the
          you, is it  a crime  for a public bus   who wrote  the booking  sheet was   policemen  that came  to  our house
          to  break down  on the  road? I live   asking us what the charge against   for the arrest saying that it was a ma-
          in Nairobi and I see matatus (pub-  us was that we were to be locked up   licious  report  from someone who
          lic buses)  break down frequently.   for - we told him over and over again   hated the fact  that I am Nigerian.
          So why is  that  of Nigeria differ-  that we had not been charged with   So you  see  how  the  story  played
          ent?  People  only see  and blame   anything and that no one was telling   out?  We  later  understood  that  the
          what  they  want  to  see  and blame.  us  why  we  were  being held.  Frus-  so called "someone" who made the
                                             trated,  and somewhat  irritated,  he   report  was actually  a group of se-
          My      personal     experience    wrote something down for the sake   niors (I mean, men and women who
          I am not writing this part of this ar-  of it, because - as he pointed out -   are above sixty) who came together
          ticle to call out anyone, but to make   we could not be held without charge.     and plotted for my arrest. What was
          someone understand that when I say                                    my offence? I am Nigerian or what-
          people just see and blame what they   But, as God would have it, I became   ever else they  think I did to them.
          want to see and blame, I know what   the pastor praying for the guys I met
          I am talking about. The story is long   in the cell who were going to the court   Imagine  how  many innocent  Ni-
          but I will bring out the main points.  the next morning, while my wife was   gerians have had  malicious allega-
                                             busy  having  a prayer  and worship   tions leveled  against them  globally,
          Sometime  in 2018,  my wife  and  I   session with the women in the wom-  simply  because it  makes  sense  to
          were arrested at our home in Nairo-  en's cell she was taken to. It became a   some people to do so. Just like the
          bi. In fact, I was the one the police   good avenue to minister hope to the   story  of Amy  Cooper, who called
          came for, but she joined me in the   people we met in the police cell.  And   the  police  on a black  man named
          arrest. You know, seeing police men   to learn a few things about what goes   Christian Cooper,  who was bird
          enter your compound with guns and   on sometimes, behind the  scenes.  watching in a park, simply  because
          with no warrant can be quite shock-                                   the  black  man  asked  her to  leash
          ing.  They  confiscated  our  phones   Our brother (lawyer) came the next   her dog. The question is, why would
          and  laptop and those of our  hosts   morning  and  because  the law does   she think it was ok to do that? She
          and my passport. Anyway, we drove   not permit  the police to keep us for   must  be aware that a  deep  stereo-
          to the  police  station (accompanied   more than twenty-four  hours with-  type was already in place against all
          by a police officer) even though the   out any charges, we were asked to go   blacks and that the white police men
          policemen kept saying that we were   home but to keep reporting to the   would respond to  her call  to come
          not  under  arrest  and even  though   police station for the next two weeks,   arrest  a  "criminal black  man".  So
          they came in two police vans. We got   while  whatever investigation they   when you hear talk about Nigerians
          to the station and the OCPD (Offi-  were doing was done. Before leaving   and  crime, please  do your  research
          cer in charge of Police Department)   the station I asked the OCPD again   to know what is true or lies. There
          was saying all manner of things and   why I was arrested  and  who called   is a deep stereotype already in place.
          threatening to deport me. I was just   for  my arrest.  He said he did not
          looking calmly at him without saying   know and even went ahead to deny   What is Culture?
          a word.  I had another  phone with   accusing me of terrorism and  all the   According to an online source, culture
          me, so we  sent  an SMS to one of   other accusations they had so boldly   is the ideas, customs, and social behav-
          our brothers  who is a lawyer  while   spoken of the day before. He told me   ior of a particular people or society.
          we  waited  to  know  what  the  issue   to my face right there that he was not   From  this  definition  of  culture,  let
          was. I asked the OCPD why I had    the one who asked his boys to arrest   us look a bit further at some societal

          44      |   Heal . Restore . Rebirth .  Afrika
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